Feel like a bottomless pit...


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2011
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Oh my god I think ive got to the stage wer no matter how much im eating I'm still hungry shortly afterwards & not knowing what I fancy half the time is a pain ! think I'm making up for the weight I lost being sick for weeks ! Anyone else feeling like this ? x
yeh I am hun but when I eat I feel really full quickly and it then makes me feel bloated and sick. Give me an hour max and I am hungry again!!! Its a nightmare. xxxxx
ME! i could probably eat for england! lol! and i dont want healthy stuff either, got a thing about scotch eggs atm :blush:
I still don't have much of an appetite, and when I eat I get full a lot quicker than before, but then I also feel like eating again maybe just 30-45 minutes later.. Because I don't really fancy anything I sometimes don't eat anyway, and then the hunger disappears and I have to "force" myself to eat later for Pips sake, and then I get full quickly, and then hungry again... it's very weird, and random. And it's strange to be really hungry but not really want anything or be able to think of anything that sounds tempting either...

I have gained a bi less than the recommended low for where I'm at now.. so I'm guessing I really should make sure I always eat when hungry! Whether I an think of anything tasty or not..
i have gained so much weight from jus eating rubbish and lots of it!
even with the annoying heartburn lol
I'm eating all the time too - can't get enough Dairylea cheesy triangles and packets of crisps at the moment! No matter how much I eat I am always hungry within an hour and need more food!
im finding it difficult to eat even a few meals a day, most of the time im lucky if i eat 1 meal a day and have some snacks, on bad days i dont eat at all or just have a bowl of soup, on good days i force down 2 or 3 meals and some snacks.
not fair still being sick all the time, this morning i chucked up the carrot i was munching on half way thru eating it.

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