Feel down today and sure something is wrong :(


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
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Hey ladies I'm sorry to have a downer post and I try not to do these but I feel like your the only ones who understand

Have my usual 4 day spotting/ brown and convinced something is wrong with me and my fertility. I've had it since coming off the pill and it's so heavy I need a liner or pad. I'm meant to have day 3 bloods and don't even know what day 1 is anymore. I know they say full red flow which always comes 14 days after ov but this brown stuff can't be right can it?? I also get red blood with a bowel movement on the days of brown before my period. I could kick myself as forgot to tell the clinic all this and just said spotting which they said is fine. To top it off day 3 ( well what I think is day 3) will be over bank holiday which means another month delay as my next hospital appt will be once I've had all my bloods done :(

I've just convinced myself something is up - and hubby is convinced there isn't as that's what the docs keep telling us.

I think I'm only feeling like this as due on and emotional but also had a text from a friend who gave birth which is lovely but also makes me feel sad that it may never be me :(

Sorry for the depressing post and I know I'm only on cycle 16 which is nothing compared to some of you.

Thanks for listening xxx
Hey hun, i dont have any advice but didnt want to read n run n just wanted to say its been nearly a yr for me too and every time af arrives i feel just like you and convince myself that it has to be something wrong!! But then you just have to pick yourself up and think this could be my month.

I really hope that you get your bfp soon.

Michelle. x
Hi hun, I'm sorry you're down. Don't apologise, we all feel lke this from time to time (or every month in fact!).

When you say you get red blood when you have a bowel movement do you mean from the front or the back (sorry!). Just trying to ascertain if it's Af blood or not. I'm no doctor but a friend of mine had a similar thing although it was extremely heavy bleeding, it is erosion on her cervix. It didn't stop her conceiving though, she is due her baby in 8 weeks but has been bleeding all through the pregnancy and is being closely monitored. I don't want ti worry you though as it's probably nothing. Maybe visit your GP and talk it through to put your mind at rest.

Try not to worry (I know it's hard). I think it's worst around AF as you are just more emotional about everything. Personally absolutely anything could set me off at this time esp friend's pregnancy announcements/births. Sending you a hug you are not alone xxxx
Yes I had some cervix erosion and it caused spotting a bit like you describe. I would also recommend asking for a wider range of swabs as a simple staphylococcus infection can cause this type of bleeding and can happen when you are a little run down. Antibiotics sort it out.
Isn't it amazing how our emotions get us when we are due on. Sometimes a little cry really helps. Also knowing that you aren't alone. You WILL get there. Keep taking care of yourself - doing all too can to relax and look after your health and know that you will get that bub eventually x
Thanks ladies :)

Kay Kay the red blood is from the front and only on the few days before af.

Never thought about cervical erosion - can that affect conception? Would I get it all month though as its only a couple of days.

The hospital asked me to get chlamydia done again so I guess I could ask for the other swabs too. What is staphylococcus!?

Yeah i definitely feel more emotional when af is around and then I just pick myself up and start all over again :)

Thank you lovely ladies for your support xx
Sorry you feel low, I would go back and tell them of your symptoms I am sure that everything is five. It takes ages for your cycles to return to normal. It is only now I get a full period after 2.5 years as they have always been a little browny/red when I first came off the pill. I have always been regular but very light. I would not worry just get it checked out. I hope you feel better soon. Love gizzy xx
Thanks hun, I will definitely tell them but it's going to be at least a month as they won't make the next appointment til all my bloods have been done.

My periods have been light since the pill but getting heavier. Still only have about 2 days of red blood then back to brown.

I just wish I knew that eventually I will get my bfp but I can't help but worry something is wrong and it won't happen.

Am feeling a bit better now though - going to enjoy wine and choc over Easter. Mum bought us an amazing hotel egg xx
I honestly think this sounds normal. Brown blood is not a bad thing it just means the end if your period. The fact they are getting heavier is good. Are you regular?
The brown always comes 10dpo though and before af, I wonder if it causes issues with implantation?

Yes am regular usually 30 to 32 days and ovulate anything from day 16 to day 18 and then spotting 10dpo and full af the usual 14 days. I was on the pill for 16 years so no idea what normal is :) x
Hi hun, cervical erosion won't stop you getting pregnant, its just that you will bleed a lot during a pregnancy. My friends baby is fine. She did say that its something you can get after years on the pill. Best thing to do is see your GP. Hope you're alright xxx
Ps enjoy your easter egg, I'm jealous cos I'm on a flamin diet! Lol
I'm lucky in that I'm friends with my gp :) I think I'll get my bloods done this cycle and then see what happens as the next fertility appt. guess there's no point worrying til I go back to the hospital.

Ha ha I'm on a diet too but can't resist the choccy :) x

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