Feel crushed!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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The witch showed this morning, so I decided to call the hospital to find out what dosage of clomid I should take month as it was my last, I also wanted to confirm that I would be seeing my specialist next month to discuss whats next for me ... by the time I got off the phone I was in tears!!

Was told that it isnt my last clomid cycle, they make you stay on it for 12 cycles not 6 as I originally believed. And I wont even be seeing my specialist but the lead nurse who cant do fu*k all except write out clomid prescriptions!!!

I am totally gutted, I really thought my next appointment was going to be me moving forward with IVF, but it is looking like that probably wont even be on the cards this year let alone next month!!!

The one thing that has been holding me together is the idea of being able to move forward and now I feel like I am right back where I started and I just feel broken and sad and soooo angry, I have no idea how I can go through this for another 6 cycles!!
Oh vicky, i'm sorry to hear this, you have been through so much already its just not fair :hugs: Is there anyone else you can talk to at the clinic?

No just my specialist and the lead nurse, think I will just have to chat with her and see just how long I will be stuck on it!!
Vicky I dont really know much about clomid but is it safe for you to be on it for 12 months? If clomid is not working by 6 months then surely they look at other options. I can see why you feel
Upset. Perhaps the clomid ladies can help you on here but I would def try and see someone else (perhaps private) before taking any more. Sorry you feel so low hon I am sending you big hugs! Xxxx
NICE guidelines say that you can have up to 12 cycles of clomid on the NHS ... but it also says that if you have pcos and ovulate with clomid but have not become pregnant after 6 months of treatment, you should be offered continued treatment with IUI and clomid for a further 6 months!!

I have printed that part off and am going to show it to the nurse when I see her!!
I think that is a really good plan. Take it in in black and white so they know you har done your home work and ask for a decent argument as to why they feel they aren't going to proceed as you hope.
Makes me really angry all this stuff, we shouldn't have to fight so hard for the help we need x
Agree take that in. I rejected clomid and told our nhs hospital that I wanted a straight referral to an IVF clinic. Dont leave until you have that from them xxxx
The nurse is really nice but also a bit dim, I am hoping I wont have to argue it out but am prepared to do so if necessary!!
Oh Vicky Im sorry its so frustrating when you feel that on top of all the upset you need to fight for moving forward. It just sucks. I agree you need to take it in black and white and if you havd to get forceful then do it. Sometimes it just seems you have to get a thick skin and be very assertive with the NHS or they take the mick a bit I think!
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Oh no am sorry to hear this :( definitely print it out and maybe try and get some advice too. Sounds like you have the rights xx
So sorry to hear that hun, didn't just wanna read and run, we've only been ttc 7 months and it gets me so down sometimes, to the point where I don't even want to leave the house!!

Can't imagine how you feel, chin up though hun
I think a lot of things like this rely on the patient just taking what the preofessionals say as gospel. In this case glad your not and have done ur research - get them told!!!!!!
Sorry to hear this :( I hope you have a positive result soon really do xxxx
Hey Vicky,

I'm really sorry about what has happened :hug:

That said, IVF is not a miracle cure and once you have your goes, then you're well and truely fucked. I wouldn't advise anyone to rush into unless you really won't get pregnant without it.

If you are ovulating, then you have just as much chance as anyone of getting pregnant and 6 month isn't that long of ttc - 12 months is a more realistic expectation.

IUI has only a 16% success rate compared to the normal ttc rate of about 20% it's not something that i'd push for unless you have good reason to.

I know that you feel like you are back to square one, but you are! And that isn't necessarily a bad thing. You are back to having a shot of ttc naturally... It's a good place to be.

I know it doesn't feel like it when you look at the calendar, but if you just try looking to each cycle as a possible BFP - that's really more than anyone could hope for xx
Hi vicky

Do you respond to the clomid? I had it for 4 cycles and didn't ovulate once so they put me forward for the FSH injections, I responded straight away on the first cycle although turned out to be ectopic, currently doing my second one now. Maybe you should suggest that to the clinic when you next go?

I'm so sorry to hear this vicky!! Take the paper with you and ask them if there's anything they can do!!

12? Really?
My gyno told me I could have no more than 6 cycles when he first perscibed it :S

Hope you get some proper answers soon hun.
Hey Hun. Nice guidelines are 6 cycles you're right there but i remember my gynae saying you can have 6 goes then ovarian drilling then maybe 6 more. Like Louise said although ivf has higher success rates you probably only get 1, maybe 2 cycles on the NHS and then it really is the end of the line. I seem to remember your progesterone test showed clear ovulation so you never know it might be worth carrying on with it? Or you could suggest letrozole to them, it's mainly used in America but it seems to have more success in pcos patients so more doctors are starting to prescribe it over here. I guess it's worth a shot. Big hugs that it wasn't the news you expected, but I hope you can see it as 6 more shots at a bfp before ivf. Xxxxxxx

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