feel bad admitting this...


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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last nite for the first time ever, my baby got on my nerves :oops:

she kept waking up all nite and whingeing. not proper crying just whining and kept stopping and starting and keeping me awake!

so far iv NEVER felt cross with her even thru her biggest temper tantrums etc- my boyf has- but not me- until last nite :( i was lying there thinking "grr, please shut up! go to SLEEP!" :oops:

i feel really bad about it now :cry: how could i get annoyed at my little baby :(
:hug: :hug: :hug:

Trix i think what you felt was perfectly normal...it is so hard when your tired they don't actually want anything exceot it seems to stop you sleeping.

i have had the same feelings occasionally..you are not alone
You want a medal that its taken you 8 months for her to get on your nerves hun :rotfl:
Oh my, I feel terrible now as I have got annoyed at my little baby numerous times when she has had her non stop screaming sessions :oops:
You have the patiance of a saint to only just get annoyed at her after 8 months. I got annoyed on day 5 with both of mine. :oops:
wow hun u lasted 8 months well done, seriously dont feel bad bray gets me like that alot, :hug:
mary70 said:
You want a medal that its taken you 8 months for her to get on your nerves hun :rotfl:

I was gonna say the same! :rotfl:

I know what you mean though! I feel so bad for getting ratty when he reaches up for a cuddle shouting Mamamamama!
thanku ladies for making me feel better about it :hug:

so i guess its normal then! the thing is i am patient with melissa but im NOT a patient person normally! :lol: iv no patience with other drivers when im driving, iv no patience with staff in shops etc who dither and give me bad service, iv little patience with the cats, iv little patience with inanimate objects and tasks i cant do easily...! lol but y'all can call me a saint if u want hehe
Ive felt like that LOTS of times. You must be a saint! lmao. :hug:
wait till they refuse to do their homework or tidy their room... then you just want to strangle them :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Just wanted to send some :hug: :hug: , everybody gets a bit frustrated. Don't worry you're a brilliant mummy. :clap:
mary70 said:
You want a medal that its taken you 8 months for her to get on your nerves hun :rotfl:

i totally agree with mary, u must have the patience of a saint haha :lol:
mummykay said:
mary70 said:
You want a medal that its taken you 8 months for her to get on your nerves hun :rotfl:

i totally agree with mary, u must have the patience of a saint haha :lol:

as above lol...im terrible!! but then she smiles and goo's at me and i feel so so guilty hehe

dont worry..sometimes i have to put her down for 2 seconds and say..ok u cry lol just the few seconds of relief is enough and then i seem to be able to deal with it better :hug:
I think you have done so well so far, I feel terrible to say but Isabella gets on my nerves quite alot. I wished I was more patience and feel quite a bad mother because of this :( :(
Eveadel said:
I think you have done so well so far, I feel terrible to say but Isabella gets on my nerves quite alot. I wished I was more patience and feel quite a bad mother because of this :( :(
:hug: :hug: :hug:

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