Feel a bit upset..


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2010
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I've suddenly got massive stretch marks over most of bump. They have progressed slowly-ish but I do kinda feel like one day I woke up with one then following day there were ten! Anyway.. Bit gutted I have them as you would be.. And it has got to me a bit but theres nothing I can do about having them now and as the days go by more n more appear. Not many people have seen my belly and today was at my cousins 2nd bday party.. so beings my auntie not long ago was pregnant we was having a chat about babies and cream n stretch marks n I explained I creamed a little but always saw it as if your gona get them no amount of cream will help! She and my other cousin were feeling bump and saying how big I had got, which was fine, till I said I'll show u my marks. I turned away and kinda hid my bump just for them to see beings I'm a bit embarrassed by them.. She turned and like screamed! Pulled some horrible face and said Ew Lynsey!! I had never felt so horrible in all my life. Honestly just wanted to burst into tears. She really pulled a face and it actually made her jump back in disgust! Couldn't pull my top down quick enough!!
Feel really down about it. I know it's all for a good cause but there permanent scars to my body, that hurt n itch and I'll never be confident about my body ever again. Kind of thought she would have been more sympathetic but suppose she never got any so she doesn't know what it's like. Mine r pretty bad i know, but there really sore too!
Sorry for rant just feel abit blurgh!!
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awwwwwww hun :hugs: i know how u feel i havent had many on the top of my tummy but they're all underneath i woke up the other day and there is one right above my belly button (which is no longer a belly button it's almost an outie) and it's massive. my hubby said eurgh aswell so i said do you love me any less for having them and he said no so i dont see what his problem is!

i see them as my mummy lines (even though i had them before) i'm proud that i have created and carried my son for all this time and f a few scars on my tummy are what i get then that's fine by me! xxx
My oh has been great and always says he doesn't love me any different and doesn't look at me in any other way but it's just the confidence thing I suppose. To other people, especially after this reaction from a family member! Can see beach holidays being spent fully clothed and summer days in an all in one body suit!!
I have loads too Hun. It's almost a grieving process when you first get them. I'm still grieving but hope I'll come to terms with my new body and embrace it as the place that grew my little nugget for 9 months

Big hugs :hug:
That was really horrible of them actually hun!

I had stretch marks before I got pregnant - so my OH has always loved me regardless. And I can't really say how I felt.

Just remember that your baby will love you, regardless of your tum!! And they do fade. xx
That's awful of them to do that!!! In reality how often do u have your belly on show?
Your OH. Loves you and your LO will adore you so who cares what other people think!!

I do think the little buggers sneak up on you, I'd got none till about 32/33 weeks now I've got quite a few around belly button!! :( I'm sad about them too but they do lighten and I'd have them all over if it meant having my little man with me xxx
I remember feeling te exact same thing when I was carrying my daughter over 4 years ago! I can't een begin to tell you how insignificant they became after she was born, and they do fade so much over time. They are just silvery little lines eventually!

I do understand how you feel though honey- and your family member is actually completely wrong to have done to you what she did! You deserve to have had better treatment than that!

I hope that you're ok! Xxx
Just think hunny that soon enough they'll be replaced by laughter lines when your LO has you cracking up getting into mischief :hug: xxxxxxxxxx
i'd have tonnes if i hadnt been so chubby before getting preg. im a size 22 usually and carry all my weight around my tum thighs and arms (bingo wings ahoy lol) and i have loads of stretchmarks on my tum, they do fade over time hun and are so light theyre barely visible, especially since im pale skinned. i now have really nasty, itchy, angry purple diamond marks on my foof at the knicker line and i showed my OH and said 'how bad are they!' lol. he agrees they look really sore and are almost tears in my skin lol. then i said our baby must have a fat head and we laughed about them. all things fade in time, marks and the memory of the pain but your child will always be there and is totally worth it and more.
Thanks girls! I know it's all for a good thing at the end but I think I was just more shocked and upset with how she reacted. Thanks for all your comments :) Bevg, I have them in same place too which makes wearing underwear tough, so when I'm @ home I don't wear any lol! X
thats a totally rubbish reaction! I'm so sorry she behaved like that I hope she felt really bad afterwards. I bet you look fabulous with them! xxx
just laugh them off hun, your gorgeous and your body is fab cos its doing what it was meant for, your OH will adore you for bringing his baby into the world and they are not that bothered about how we look really lol. i find them amusing cos if u cant laugh u cry and they arent worth crying about really. im very much a bright side person :)
Thank you :) normally I brush it off but think beings she's recently been through pregnancy you would think she would be a bit more sensitive!
Deffo won't let her get to me anymore! :)
thats awful!!!! thats so insensitive and over the top to react that way :hugs: I'm covered, all across, my bump is more red stretch marks than skin, and thats not an exaggeration! I felt awful about it at first, and then I was talking to my two friends about them, and they showed me theirs from their pregnancies. both have lost most of their baby weight, and their stretchmarks are now silver, and they both look great, not disgusting at all. its really cheered me up, because i know they will get less noticeable. right now they look really sore and awful, but once my tummys smaller and they fade a bit, it wont be as bad. If i saw either of my friends on a beach, i doubt i would even notice their stretchmarks! Im sure it will be the same for you, im hoping it will be for me!! haha :D x x x

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