Feeding Schedule..


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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So alanna has been fighttin through her feeds and geting colicky.. The doctor said I should put her on a 4 hourly schedule instead of feeding on demand and try to increase the amount she gets to 8oz a feed..

Well it aint working.. atall.

She is on gripe water and infacol for colic and is still on ranitidine and domperidone for her reflux.

She isnt taking a consistant amount, And still vomits some of her feeds, especially the morning ones. Ive attatched a record of how shes been feeding so far this week..

Any advice girls? (btw the times im trying to feed her at are 7, 11, 3, 7, 11, but sometimes i have to give her bits at other times as she just wont settle atall, im trying to get her on a pacifier.. thats hit and miss lol)


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    Feedin 26th feb.png
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I tried feeding every 4 hours but it just didnt happen, so I moved it to 3 hourly feeds and it worked so well. Maybe try 5oz every 3 hours. It will seem like your feeding her allllll the time, but it might work. Its only very recently that Paige has moved onto 4 hourly feeds.

Do you do the whole, 1oz, burp, 1oz, burp ect? Paige was very sicky and very colicky and this helped the sick as it was just small amounts at a time and it helped the colic as it meant less wind to bring up. She howled when I took the bottle away but that was only because she wanted to carry on eating for comfort.

I probably wouldnt try and give her 8oz in one go, and this will probably make her reflux worse as thats alot of fluid going in her at one time (although shes rarely eating that much by the looks of it). You could even go down to every 2 hours and give her 3 or 4 oz a time. But then you really would be feeding her all the time lol.
I do stop 2-3 times durin a feed to burp her, but she gets soo stroppy about it! Lol and doesnt even really bring anything up with it. Will think about dropping to 3 hourly. Going to finish this week and see if i can see any kind of pattern in her feeds other than what im trying to do! lol and work from that.
I know I'm bfing so it's slightly different but Lizzie is similar in age and she's feeding every hour or so some days and probably only taking about 1-2oz judging by what I know my boobs are capable of and how full they are after a feed still. When she has a bottle of expressed milk she does the same, feeding little and often. I've just had to accept that's the way it is.
If I try to feed her when she doesn't want to she screams at my boob or the bottle, so I can't do anything except feed on demand :)
my lo is on 5oz feeds more or less every 3 hours.he used to go 4 hours but the last few months theres no way he can go 4 hours (not even at night im foooked) like melio said can u try that instead see how u go? infacol worked a treat for my lo and about at 4 months his colic seems to magically dissapear!!!! =))
and about at 4 months his colic seems to magically dissapear!!!! =))

Isn't it magical when this happens! I thought it would never end and then at around 4 months, like your LO, it just seemed to go. Oh the relief!
hope it gets better for you. Owen is still feeding every 2 and half to 3 and half hours, sometimes 7oz sometimes 3oz.

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