Feeding on demand


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2005
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I know this is jumping the gun a bit but I just want to get some things straightish in my mind before it all kicks off! We had a session on breastfeeding yesterday with our midwives and they were going on about breastfeeding on demand. Now I do want to do my best at breastfeeding but I'm not sure what exactly is meant by on demand as all that I have read (Tracey Hogg mostly who seems very sensible) seems to say that babies cry for so many reasons and you can easily mistake hunger for something else (if you put them to the breast they may well feed even if they're not hungry because it comforts them but that's not proper feeding). Hogg suggests feeding on demand the first day then every 2 hours the second day gradually getting to about 3 1/2 hours between feeds once your milk comes in on the third or fourth day. My question is really about the first day or two. Do you just try feeding them everytime they cry the first day? Are they kind of asleep or wanting to feed but not much else at first? How do you tell if they are hungry before you have some kind of a routine going? I don't want to set up a rigid routine a la Gina Ford but my Mum swears by having a kind of loose daily routine as Hogg describes and I don't want to start off on the wrong foot and have everything smelly hitting the fan when I'm still knackered and in shock so I want to do my best to avoid this if possible. Or is the baby in a similar state of shock at this point and so does not get into habits anyway in the first 48 hours?

Any ideas/experience welcomed! Thanks!

I always thought feeding on demand was basically 'feeding when they are hungry' rather than a routine of 2 hours etc.

I saw a programme where a mum was feeding her little one every two hours and was even waking the baby up to feed (even through the night).
I asked my mum and my partners mum and they adviced against doing that and they both told me that babies cry for a reason, and its trial and error as to why. For example, if the baby is crying, try feeding, if still crying, check nappy, etc etc untill you get to the problem.

If the baby still takes milk when its not hungry, is it really a problem?
My midwife said too many mums get too worried about how much the baby is taking and feel they need to know 'the measure'of milk taken each time but it really doesnt matter as long as baby is taking something and happy!

I'm not sure if this is right but just what I've been told.

I think they mean that until a baby is a day or two old they may only want little feeds here and there as theri tummy's have to get used to filling. I was told to b/f on demand on my first and he was feeding every 2hrs after a couple of days for anytime upto 50 mins. Sometimes it would be 5mins and I think the 50 mins was for comfort and not milk (I won't be doing that this time). It is sooooo hard to get it right and know if they're full and when to stop.

I will go with the feeds on demand for about a week and try a routine as per Tracey Hogg as I started my son on her E>A>S>Y routine at 4 months old and haven't looked back since.

Good luck. Rhian
I guess you could call what I did with my son "on demand" feeding.
I fed for the first time a few mins after he was born, then whenever he cried for the first few days.
He settled into his own routine after that.
At first I think he was just in shock, and you want to do anything you can to help settle them. It's a lovely feeling you get from feeding (although it hurts a bit at first!)
I will be doing the same thing this time, I'm not bothered about the "on demand" lable, I'm pretty sure a newborn has no idea what a routine is anyway! Sooner or later they will settle into their own little routine, and if you do find yourself feeding "too much" a couple of weeks down the line, then just deal with it then.
I have only just realised that it's you Jen! What an idiot I am :) I was wondering the other day what your sign in name was! Durrrrr :roll: xxx

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