Feeding help please


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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Seb has gone from taking 4oz every 3 and a half to 4 hours to taking 4-5oz every 2 hours! Does anyone know why? Is this a stupid question?Also sometimes he'll take 4oz then wake up an hour and a half later ask for more, have 2 oz and then sleep for 3-4 hours! Is there anything I can do to stop this or is it just the joy of on demand feeding? He's also usually awake from 9.30 until 12.30 and 3.30-5.30 every day but lately he seems to be sleeping more. Is he going through a growth spurt? Thanks for putting up with 3 stupid questions!
I was gonna say growth spurt! Charley will take 4oz's then ask for another feed 2 hours later. He normally feeds every 3 hours so when he's waking every 2 hours through the night I'm shattered!!
Ditto! I'm shattered! Hope they grow quickly and go back to the other routine for us soon!!
Yeah sounds like a growth spurt. Drake has days when he's more sleepy than others and his feeding can be quite scattered too. He don't always make it to 3 hours! Im constantly
sterilising and making bottles up! I think he'd be quite happy with a bottle stuck to his mouth 24/7 lol
Harvey took 5oz at 9.30 then another 5oz at 11 o'clock last night but then he slept from half 11 till half 6 so i think he's getting himself into a routine!!! But last week i had a very similar pattern with him and he's a week older than Seb!!
Pooh hopefully he's just gearing up for a proper feeding routine! x fingers crossed otherwise I might go insane! x
Sounds like a growth spurt to me too hun xxxxx

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daisy does this too but during night she only has 3 oz then grazes thru day very confusing at times

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