Feeding help needed!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2006
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My little one is 3 weeks old and was quite happily eating between 3-4 oz every 3 hours during the day and waking to feed twice to 3 times a night. The last few days though I'm struggling to get even 2 oz down her at each feed before she gets sleepy, even after nappy changing half-way through. As such she's hungry sometimes every 2 hours rather than 3. Is it normal for babies to go through phases like this?
My LO has been going through phases like that. And I know of a baby who absolutely refuses to drink milk, as soon as she sees the bottle, she'll turn her head away and arch her back.
What I would suggest is to keep an eye on the number of wet nappies that she produces, if there isn't many, then she could be dehydrated. Might be worth having a word with the HV to see what they say if this continues on.
i had this problem with jack, i found he was sucking like mad but not taking much milk, so we put an extra hole in his teets and hes back to normal again, maybe she is tyring herself out sucking like mad and not getting any milk so gives up????

jack is fine again since we put that extra hole in
as u stated amounts i presume ur bottle feeding? idk if its any different for bottle-fed newborns but melissa was always falling asleep during feeding. she would suckle for 5 mins or so, then doze off for a few minutes! probably why it took 60-90 minutes to feed her lol! i assume its just tiring for them- they so tiny! to wake her id stroke her cheek if that didnt work i would pull away a bit- when she felt the suction breaking it prompted her to start eating again!

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