My OH djs and he has just got a residency playing every weekend at a bar and I hate it! I feel fed up of being left home every weekend looking after the baby while he goes out and has fun every weekend. He says hes working not having fun but I think it is having fun as he takes a mate with him they get drunk and have a laugh. It doesn't sound like work to me. Also I feel so paronoid when hes working as hes in a bar filled with sexy women wearing hardly any clothes all getting drunk and when I'm left at home I can't help but worry. I suppose I'm feeling kinda low about myself since I've had Jessy. I'm also a bit jealous as well I suppose as I feel like I have no social life anymore I don't ever get to have a night out or a night off as I can't leave him to look after Jessy as if hes asleep and she wakes up he doesn't hear her. My mum used to look after Jessy but she had a fall at work and hurt her back so she can't look after her right now as she can't lift her. I don't like my OH's mum looking after Jessy as to be honest I have let her look after her twice now adn both times my baby has been given back to me in dirty clothes. Last time my daughter hadn't been bathed and was in the same clothes I sent her round there in covered in sick and food. Theres no excuse for this as I always leave lots of clean clothes there. This makes me really unhappy as I like my baby to always be clean and in fresh clothes. Anyway sorry to go on I just need to rant a little. Anyway my OH says he won't stop djing there as he really enjoys it and I just have to get used to it. We can do without the extra money but he just won't even consider stopping. Am I just being silly? How would you all feel in my situation? xxxx