Fed Up!


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2007
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Hi I'm feeling really sorry for myself... I feel so run down I cant sleep at night and when I do its only for a couple of hours, I try and sleep in the day but can never relax enough to drop off... and dont get me started on my legs!! they are sooo achey my ankles are a little swollen and my rings on my fingers are tight now and to top it all off I have a headache! I'm am grateful being pregnant and I feel bad that I feel this way but the last few weeks are getting to me. :cry:

sorry about that, just needed to get that off my chest x x

I know how you feel lass, my ankles have constantly been swollan since 5 months, they swell 3, sometimes 4 times the size.

top of my thighs, inside, pelvic bone and back are all aching due to the bones being soft and baby putting pressure on them. I sleep but wake up at 5am every morning and feel so tired most of the day. And my hormones, I can't control my mood swings.

I love this baby but I am not loving being preggers.
You have my sympathy! Lots of us feel like that at the moment! Believe it or not I am actually sleeping ok at the moment after weeks of being horribly uncomfortable!! The only thing keeping me awake is my 5 trips to the loo per night!!! Chin up hun baby will soon be here! That's what I keep telling myself anyway! :hug: The last weeks of being pregnant are generally pretty emotional too so cut yourself some slack! I told my hubby I reckon a heavily pregnant woman could get away with murder cos her emotions are all over the place!!! He has been warned!!
Thanks Girls alt least I'm not the only one feeling like this... My OH has been great but i still moan at him but hey I'm a women thats what we do...lol Just feel sorry for my little girl coz I cant do much with her as I would like, she started back at school last week... she is 6 already I cant belive it! but thanks for the support girls... helps me out knowing I can talk to someome :hug:

My pains start fron the top of my legs down to my calfs... its not all the time.. but noticable... thanks for the link Josephine_Beth x x

Not a problem, if it helps ease any pain, my pleasure xx

try having a nice hot bath with some relaxing bath salts etc or lavender, it may relax the muscles and ease the pain.
Iv just read your post out to my hubby.... because its exactly how iv been feeling....and i thought i was the only one feeling like this!!!

Im not sleepin at all..so feel exhausted...i had a banging head ache earlier and the pain in my pelvic an buttock area is horrendous! And about 10 seconds before i read your post i told hubby i was fed up!!! :cry:

So..... dont take this the wrong way...im glad ur feelin like u are...tells me that im not alone!!! :hug:

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