Fed up!


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2007
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right well this is quite a long one but i am really in need of some advice, i am stuck and i dont know what to do for the best.
I used to live in the same street as my best mate and another mate (who i am no longer talking to) well i have moved from the street and living somewhere else (not too far away) right since i have been moved away, the ex mate has been really offish with me (thats why she is an ex mate, i cant be arsed with her) and she has been taking the piss out of my mate, you getting it upto now?.....well my mate has done nothing but moan about her, she rings me moaning and she was here with her husband at the weekend and she was moaning and he was about the other lass taking the mick and getting my mate to have the kids for her while she is at work and stuff like that, i have told her to tell her that she doesnt want to have the kids anymore but she wont, she just puts up with it, to make things worse the other lasses boy who is 10 touched my mates little girl who is only 4 and she still has the lad round her house, they have been slagging him off and the lass for months and now today i went round to my mates and the car was there but she wasnt so i rang her on her mobile as i thought she was in the garden and couldnt hear me knock, lo and behold, she was out with this lass and her kids, i came home and i said to Glenn, thats it let them get on with it, i am going to tell her when she rings later that i dont want to hear about her whining about this lass and i cant be arsed with her anymore, do you think i should just stay away or ignore it? i havent got anyone else to ask as i dont go anywhere to make friends, i just feel really confused.
I'm abit confused too lol, why would she let the boy come round her little girl if she knew he was touching her inappropriatly? I dont get it :?
i think to be honest i would take a step back from all of this! if the boy of 10 did do this i cant understand why she's still letting him round, but due to the fact she's still slaggin off the other girl but running out with her and all the kids id def take a step back! She doesnt seem like she's a true friend to people if she's talkin bout them behind their back then goin out with them! Hope that makes sense! :hug:
lillou, it makes perfect sense to me! i havent seen this behaviour from her before, she is a bit soft sometimes like never saying no and doing things for people but this is abit daft if you ask me, Adele, thats what i said to her, i would tell him to f off, but he lies and he is a little shyte, his mam thinks the sun shines out his bum!
i said to her on saturday, why are you scared of her? and she said she wasnt so i said to her that she needs to keep away from her and she said yes she knows but she never does, i am going to keep my distance anyhow and just let her get on with it, its just sad thats all all those years we have been friends :(
Personally I would make it clear to her there is no point being pally with this girl then moaning about her to you. Tell her she makes the choice to socialise with her and you don't want to hear about it anymore.
There's not need to lose her friendship but tell her you're not interested in hearing it.
Urchin, we (me and my oh) have just been saying the same thing, i really dont wanna lose her as a friend i really dont so i am going to calm down before i speak to her, ohh i think i just wound myself up this morning cos of what she said on saturday it is so frustrating that she wont tell her to shove off and stop using her, she is different to me and she is younger, i wonder if its cos of that? she is 26 and i am 35 and i dont let people walk all over me thats why i get frustrated i think, hey thanks girls for the replies i really needed the extra brain.x

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