fed up being skint


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2012
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Hello ladies excuse the moan however my OH has been in and out of work due to his trade and he now suffers from rheumatoid arthritis due to his heavy engineering background, our house is in the middle of getting redecorated and the bombshell has been dropped that my OH might not be able to start his new job for a while yet, everything in the house is topsy turvy and im freaking out because weve been struggling financially for 2 years now and this job was the answer to our prayers, we need about £1500 to finish the house and to get baby stuff in once i go for my scan i will start buying wee bits. it just seems like nothing ever goes the way we need it to money wise. Its begining to put a strain on me and OH as were constantly arguing over money xxx
Aw hun I know that feeling far to well! But even still I have no advice apart from what me and DH say is money problems cant kill you so dont worry too much about them. I know they are obviously a big part of everyones life but its really not worth the strain on your relationship. Just try working as a team and as long as you have each other and your little baby thats all that matters xxx

Can you have a clear out and do a car boot sale to get some extra cash? We did 2 last year and got £200 a time from old cd's etc, books and any old tat basically goes! Hope everything works out for you xx
well OH has said if the company dont get back to him with a start date within the next 2 weeks then he will have to look at working away 4 days out of 7 for a couple of weeks till we get on our feet :( xxx
well ladies hubby started a job last monday thankfully and hes constantly happy now and more attentive as hes not having to worry about money xxx

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