fed up and sick of work


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
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God, I need a rant.

I have hardly had time to come on here the last few weeks, I have been so busy and work is crazy. I finish on the 12th May and it seems to be never getting here. I am tired and really just don't care anymore. I find myself at clients thinking, "I really don't give a shit what you say or do, I'm hardly listening to you, by the time this all blows up I won't even be here." Yaaaawwwwwnnn.

It is so hard to care.

To top it all off, I feel like I have so much to do! I don't finish till I'm 34 weeks and now I'm worried baby is going to come early and I won't have time to do the things I need to do.


i start my leave middle of may and like u its taking the piss now and dragging like mad :( i think i should have took it sooner lol xx
:( Not sure why I feel so down about everything. I'm so friggin tired!
I so wish I was off end of this week.
And you're ahead of me as well, bless you.

I think you do get to a stage when you're working that you think I can't be arsed and I won't be here anyway. I remember counting down to my leave starting and feeling a great relief once finished.

Is there any other job role they can put you on?

Try and keep your chin up love.
I am a software trainer and travel all over the place, so they have already acquiesced and confined me to London. I don't really like my company and don't really care! Eek. I sound like an awful person.

I just want to hang on, as I have arranged everything so that I get a pull pay packet for May and officially start my mat leave on the 24th May (last day 12th May), which is the start of the next salary month.

Is it normal to start feeling really really tired when you wake up and just feeling shattered all day? Maybe it's nature's way of preparing you for the sleepless nights ahead...

Hey honey, I feel your pain. I don't finish til the 13th May and it feels like a lifetime away! I'll be 37 weeks and 1 day by then and it's already a struggle so I can't imagine how knackered I'll be! But I'm doing it so I get as much time with baby as possible so it's all for a good cause!

ah hun. i finished work yesterday as have to use 5 weeks holiday 1st. feel so much better for it now. im the same tired all the time and cant be bothered. the last couple of weeks at work i just wanted to tell customers that whinged that i coulodn't give a toss and to bugger off. i held back though but so pleased im done now.

keep at it hun. wont be long and your free. xxx
I planned to work up to 34 weeks, but ended up being signed off sick from 28 weeks and was so glad!! I think early on when you decide when to take your maternity you don't realise just how exhausted you are going to feel from 30 weeks on. My sleep was really badly affected aswell so I just don't know how I would have coped if I was getting 2 or 3 hours a night then having to get up and do a full days (and weeks) work! I feel for you ladies, I really do....I hope the next month flies by for you xx
I started my mat leave sunday then ended up in hospital monday, so kinda lucky I went when I did tbh! Working up to 32 weeks is good I think, so if your feeling shite go earlyer :) x
i think well i have anyways days where im fine then others where im just so tired... could u maybe take some holidays b4 ur leave starts?x
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