fed up already!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2012
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Anybody else feel fed up?? I feel tired all the time, my boobs hurt and I'm an emotional wreck!! When does this pass? I was never like this with my other 3!! Think having to wait till I'm 10 wks for a scan doesn't help either...!!!!
Sorry to hear you are feeling so rubbish :hugs: The good news is that this will all pass, once you get over tri 1 the placenta takes over and you should stop feeling so bad. I know it probably seems a long way off for you now but it's not that long and you'll soon be feeling much better :) In the meantime try and get some rest and relaxation (although with the other children I doubt you get much time for that LOL) :)
It just seems like a long time to have to wait for a scan and mw appt etc!! I had complete placenta previa last pg and was on hospital bedrest for wks so I'm really anxious incase it happens again, gp said it's luck of the draw, but I've read about women who have had it 2/3 times so that doesn't help!! Thanks for your kind words though :) x
Hi. Yeah I feel fed up and can't wait for the symptoms to go. I've said this before that who ever said pregnancy was fun was lying or I'm still waiting to get that feeling yet. Try cheer up Hun, your not alone in feeling the way you do, just remember how much your body is going through and taking it out of you. I hope everything goes ok with this pregnancy for you too. Chin up. Xxx
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Aww thank you hun, I feel a bit better now, I think I will feel better once I get to the 2nd tri, and the symptoms lessen a bit and baby starts to move etc!! :wave: xxx
I'm glad I don't have sickness......feel kinda bad moaning now though after reading other posts about women who can't concieve or have miscarriage etc! :-(
Hey hun I have 3other kids to contend with, and sickness I know exactly how you feel :-( don't feel bad about letting off a bit of steam, its not easy waking up everyday feeling crap and going to bed feeling crap and knowing it's going to be the same tomorrow..and the next day...and the next day....and the next.....just keep thinking on the grand scale of things tri2 isn't that far away. Hope you feel better soon, when are u due? Xx
I had a mmc last year and am now 10 weeks but I still feel rubbish and don't like it. My sicky feeling is starting to go but the tiredness is still here. Your entitled to feel fed up, the best way I can describe it is feeling hungover or ill for 6 weeks straight. As I say Hun your not on your own and plenty more people in here will feel just the same as you. Xxx
Thank u all for your kind words I feel 10 times better today, must be the hormones, all over at the moment :)
These hormones do have a lot to answer for thats for sure!!! xxx

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