Fears and anxiety


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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Does anyone else have major anxiety about dying? I do and it really annoys me, I'm not scared of 'death' just the dying part, what it will feel like how it will happen. I am forever fearful of whats going to happen to me. I get scared i'll get cancer like my mam and any little twinge is a worry. I won't get on a plane (think its a control thing) cos I am so scared of what it would feel like knowing you were going down in the plane to your death :wall:

It annoys me cos I have no way out, I am going to die one day, there isn't a choice, so I feel as though I'm trapped with my fear.

I get this anxious feeling about getting older too, I'm only 24 but feels like I could blink and I'm gonna be old cos life going so quickly.

Know I prob sound mad but I'm not, it's just a major fear of mine. Everyone i have spoken to says as you get older you learn to accept your fate. Do you?? :cry:

god that was a depressing post! lol sorry :hug:
awww :hug: :hug: :hug:

no i dont share ur fear, but i dont really think about it. if i did, it probably would scare me!
iv heard that too that old people "accept their fate". i can well imagine its true as well, its must be a bit like being pregnant and being scared of giving birth at first, but by the end ur so ready! and i didnt believe them but i was!

if its really bad maybe u should get some kind of counselling? :hug:

I feel like this sometimes - especially the bit about planes and control, but I also worry about my family getting ill too. I don't really have any advice but hope you feel better soon.
hmm I've thought about councelling but I'm a bit unsure :think: I don't think it's for me, I'd feel daft talking to a stranger.

I feel I need to do something though, it's crazy, if I'm so scared of dying i should be living life to the full not worrying :wall:

I wondered if what I was feeling was normal but seems it's not from when I talk to people so maybe coucelling only way to go! :( :hug:
OMG!!! :shock: :shock:

i'M NOT THE ONly one then???!!! I thought i was mad!

I am not only petrified of dying i always think i already am dying or am going to die in the very near future. It makes me so bad sometimes that i dont eat or sleep and i get palpitations and i cry and alsorts, my doc wont do anything about it and i have been like it since i was about 7. Oddly enough this is around when my Nanna died from cancer so i am told that it is because of that.
My brother is always telling me

'everyone owes a death'

Its the one certainty in life. And it sucks!
I'm the same. I used to have panic attacks so I know how scary it feels to be faced with your last moment (or even just to think it is) A sheer panic like no other. I'm a worrier so every headache, twinge, sickness is cancer or something else equally as bad!
I have chilled out as I've got older (30) so I'm guessing you do start to except it. What worrys me more than anything now, is dying and missing out on seeing my son grow up. That scares me more than death itself.
Thanks Elaine.. I know how you feel about the worry thing. Guess what feeds my fear is that I used to worry a lot before my mam got ill, in fact I was put on anxiety tablets cos I was having panic attacks and a lot to do with it was feeling anxious about losing my mam one day when she was old. Next year she did get ill and die of cancer :cry: so now in my mind it's like maybe it was a sign, so now when I get worried about my health I think 'maybe its a sign again' ! pffft I'm a loon lol :lol:
ahh flame :hug: :hug: nice to know I'm not totally crazy then :D

misslarue - I know how you feel about LO, the thought of not being around for Jack makes me :cry: I don't want him to go through what I went through with my mam. maybe thats part of prob :think:
Flame said:
i'M NOT THE ONly one then???!!! I thought i was mad!

A counsellor once told me if you think you're mad then you're not.
If you're mad, you think everyone else is mad and you're the sane one!! :lol:
Misslarue said:
Flame said:
i'M NOT THE ONly one then???!!! I thought i was mad!

A counsellor once told me if you think you're mad then you're not.
If you're mad, you think everyone else is mad and you're the sane one!! :lol:

You know that has kept me sane! lol, when I was sufferin severe anxiety, literally sitting in my bed rocking cos I couldn't sleep etc I just kept telling myself, if I was mad I wouldn't know about it! Only thing that kept me hanging on a few years ago :rotfl:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
Misslarue said:
Flame said:
i'M NOT THE ONly one then???!!! I thought i was mad!

A counsellor once told me if you think you're mad then you're not.
If you're mad, you think everyone else is mad and you're the sane one!! :lol:

You know that has kept me sane! lol, when I was sufferin severe anxiety, literally sitting in my bed rocking cos I couldn't sleep etc I just kept telling myself, if I was mad I wouldn't know about it! Only thing that kept me hanging on a few years ago :rotfl:

me too!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
Its a good thing to know when you're questioning your own sanity!!
I dont think about it...

but i think if i did i would be scared
Aww sweetcheeks :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I think it is a relatively common thing to worry about. I definately had the same preoccupation for quite a while some years back. I used to get very very upset about it. Like Miss Alure, I seem to just grow out of it. I am not so bothered now, although now and again I worry about what would happen to my hubby and child if I wasn't there...but again, I think that is normal, it is a fleeting thought and not a major preoccupation.

I think it is definately worth seeing a counsellor or phsychotherapist if this fear is stopping you from living your life comfortably. I have been with a psychotherapist for a year now....it is the best thing I have ever done! I am now in control of my anxiety.

Hope you can get it sorted. :hug:
its quite a common fear id say.. not something ive really suffered from though, im more scared of those i love dying. Ive had a few close calls when i was younger, from illness and a few other "incidents" - so i dont realy have the fear of it, its goin to happen sometime - i jus hope its one to remember lol ive never let it hold me back tbh, for instance - i cant swim, but ill still dive off piers into freezing cold water :lol:

ive got a love for adrenaline and speed etc, so theres not much space for fear in amongst that.
I think having the baby has caused you to think deeper into it. I know I have too recently and just upped my life insurance to a quarter of a million lol!
i used to suffer from the same anxieties, not so much scared of death, but how the dying part would be, would it be panicy and scary etc.

Last year i was taken very poorly and was told that i was having a heart attack, was rushed into the hospital and hooked up to the machines etc. Luckily it turned out to be a virus that had attacked the bones in my chest and the bone marrow in my chestplate thingy (soz cant remember the proper name of it)

anyway, i really actually thought that my time was up and there was NO panic, just a calm acceptance. so although i wasnt dying in my mind i thought i was and i had accepted it without a struggle.

My Father had a very sreious accident 4 years ago, took a big fall and ended up with a spine broken in 4 places, and lots of internal injuries, he desciribed the same calm reasoned acceptance of fate to me also.

Basically the fear of dying is nothing to be frightened about
i have exactly the same thing..... :shock: Thought i was mental, lmao.

Mine started when i was 8 and a half months preggers with Beth....we were in a bad car crash, and the police and firemen and that said it was amazing that me and OH got out at all, let alone my baby being alright. I gave birth t Beth a week later, and my health visitor said it was the crash, coupled with a huge life altering thing like having a baby that triggered it off. Appaently you think about your own mortality a bit more when youve had a baby, but cos we had the crash, mine was worse :(

I had it really badly for years! I avoided going to the doctor for things just incase i was dying (didnt wanna know, lol) I used to have panic attacks and all sorts ....

....but when my grandad died last year, i was with him (as were a few other members of my family) and he was so peaceful, and you could kind of 'see' his soul (or whetever it is) leave him at the moment he passed over. Ive not had a panic attack since. I dont know what it was, but it really helped me. Made me face my feears i spose, seeing someone die and that :think:
Best and most satisfying way of dealing with any fear is to face it. So, if counselling isnt for you, then you need to have a face off with death to get over this.

You could do a parachute jump, or bungee jump, or a go around a race track, something that you find really scary....that will force you to stare death in the face and when you are finished, when you have successfully completed it, you will have a deeper sense of life and would have won a victory!

Probably a bit over the top, but I really think thats the best way to deal with any fear....just face it and put it to bed :)
it's strange when you read a post like this one that you go 'oh my god, i am not alone'. I frequently feel scared about dying, especially about not seeing my boys again.

if you could how many of you would find out the day that they would die.
I have a fear of flying but not of dying as such.
but i must say since i've had my baby, i keep checking if he's ok while he's asleep. and that really annoys me. i wish I could just chill and think HE IS FINE, NOTHING'S GONNA HAPPEN TO HIM. :| :| :|
having said that, I'm a christian and I believe God watches over us, so praying for my family gives me a sense of relief as well :hug: :)

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