Fatty McFatt Fatt - ahh the wisdom of children!


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2008
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Anyone else feeling really FAT already???

I'm only 10 weeks and already look about 7 months pregnant. And it's only my first! My clothes are all feeling a bit tight and look crap and my knickers have started to roll down my belly - a fantastic look!!

2 children in my class (I'm a teacher - not still at school myself! :rotfl: ) have already said "Have you got a baby in your tummy?" I had to say no as there were other adults around and nobody knows yet and so one child goes. "Ahh well, you just have a fat tummy then" GREAT. :wall: I felt good after that!! You gotta rely on the kids for a bit of honesty!

Thank god it's half term next week, I can lounge around being a whale on my own!!!
Makes me wonder why I want kids with honesty like that :rotfl:

I was in maternity jeans by 8 weeks.

I actually looked less pregnant in them as them didn't squish the fat bits out more.
I'm a big girl anyway but feel totally huge however today I was trying on bra's and was amazed at how I don't look anywhere near as big as I think I do.

My jeans feel tight but they're still huge on me (I lost 4 stone before I got pregnant and was just ready to buy a size smaller :roll: ) Think I'm just a bit bloated.
i've put on 2lb already and feel really fat, im eating way too much choclate(gave up smoking when i found out and now gone onto choclate lol)
Oh kids are great arent they?? :roll: hee hee
Thats another reason I decided to tell my 3 when I was 9 weeks, I was looking fat lol and my DD mentioned it lol I thought it was only a matter of time they would ask and I thought it would be better to tell them first so they didnt think I was hiding it from them lol!
:rotfl: thats kids for you
my dd asked me last night if i had a baby in my tummy and as you can see from my bump pics its a bit big :oops: so i had to tell her, i just hope everything goes ok now. she then started rubbing my tummy and asked what i am going to call it, and if we could call it betty boop (thats her hamsters name) the only thing is we havent told the mil yet but there is no chance of dd telling her as she only visits once a year.
Awww betty boop!! :D

My DD has told me very strictly that Iam having a girl and if her sister ends up a boy, I can take it bad as she doesnt want another brother?! :shock: :shock:
LOL I had to sit her down and tell her it may be a girl and it would be horrible for her to not like him as he will love her as she is the big sister now! Shes kinda ok with it but keeps making me cards and pictures for her "sister" lol
Im only just pregnant and feeling fat, Im at that stage where everything aches a bit more than usual too, and feel like Im waddling around already.

I ordered some new shorts (a week before my BFP) and neither pair will fit me now, am sure its all water retention and bloatedness from constipation.

Oh and my BB' are growing all of a sudden and were quite big enough before, am going to look like a less attractive version of Jordan soon!! :D
I'm definitely struggling to fit into my "normal" clothes, I've bought a few non-maternity tops that will do me for a good while but I'm avoiding buying new trousers because I don't want to buy too much and I'm going to be pregnant over summer and most of winter and I don't know how best to spend my money. Plus, I'm just "fat" at the moment and don't have a baby bump so maternity clothes probably wouldn't fit right unless it was under bump stuff.

Plus I don't know what size to buy because I was just fitting a 10, in some shops a 12 so when they say "buy your pre-preg size I don't know which to go for.

So I'm settling for the "Fat" look right now :|
aww that is rather sweet bless lol but yes kids tend to be very honest my 2 keep telling me i#ve got a big belly
EllieBelle - I have the same problem. I know I'll be able to compete in Dolly Parton lookalike competitions soon!!! :rotfl:

Becky - I was 'between' sizes before I was pg too. Anyone got any advice?

babydust - I just love Betty Boop! hee hee! When I can tell the kids at school I'm going to get them to suggest names. They're 4 and 5yo so I should get some corkers! They wanted me to call my cat Dustbin, so goodness knows what they'll think of next!
Aw lol!! How cute, embarrassing for you though! :hug:

My friends little girl is obsessed with me having babies and asked on my wedding day when we'd have some. A few months later she asked if I had a baby in my tummy, when I didn't. I said no, she said 'why have you got a round tummy then?' I said I liked to eat chocolate and she laughed and couldn't quite figure out if I was being serious! Embarassing, but very cute!!
My OH (the preg one) is already dreading having a bump. Says she will look like a whale and a pig and stuff like that.

Shes a size 6 now. Im told that cos she will show early. Is that correct?
lea m said:
Awww betty boop!! :D

My DD has told me very strictly that Iam having a girl and if her sister ends up a boy, I can take it bad as she doesnt want another brother?! :shock: :shock:
LOL I had to sit her down and tell her it may be a girl and it would be horrible for her to not like him as he will love her as she is the big sister now! Shes kinda ok with it but keeps making me cards and pictures for her "sister" lol

:rotfl: Sounds like I did when my little brother was born. My brother wanted a boy I wanted a girl. I was 5/6 and when dad said "mummy had a little boy" I was like :shock: why?!? And I just told everyone he was a she! Also when he was a bit older I would put him in dresses and make him look like a girl hahaha hes scared for life now :D Still have the pics of him in my dresses!
spelbound said:
My OH (the preg one) is already dreading having a bump. Says she will look like a whale and a pig and stuff like that.

Shes a size 6 now. Im told that cos she will show early. Is that correct?

She probably will show early. I was a size 6-8 prepregnancy and it was obvious I was pregnant at 8 weeks - although all my weight piled on the bump only, the rest of me stayed pretty much the same size.

As for her looking like a whale, NO WAY! Pregnancy makes you look brill, at least until you get to about 35 weeks and then you really do look (and feel) ridiculous :rotfl:
debecca said:
spelbound said:
My OH (the preg one) is already dreading having a bump. Says she will look like a whale and a pig and stuff like that.

Shes a size 6 now. Im told that cos she will show early. Is that correct?

She probably will show early. I was a size 6-8 prepregnancy and it was obvious I was pregnant at 8 weeks - although all my weight piled on the bump only, the rest of me stayed pretty much the same size.

As for her looking like a whale, NO WAY! Pregnancy makes you look brill, at least until you get to about 35 weeks and then you really do look (and feel) ridiculous :rotfl:

I think she will look amazing. But she doesn believe me. Guess its something she will have to come to terms with/get over herself.
lol yesterday i went to a pub for a stunning meal and i tell you what i felt sooooooooooo fat after i had the most massive meal it was sooooo nice except the potatoes were cold and not fully cooked :evil: and the cauliflour cheese wasn't up to scratch eitehr lol but not i wanna go back haha
nickilubs said:
lea m said:
Awww betty boop!! :D

My DD has told me very strictly that Iam having a girl and if her sister ends up a boy, I can take it bad as she doesnt want another brother?! :shock: :shock:
LOL I had to sit her down and tell her it may be a girl and it would be horrible for her to not like him as he will love her as she is the big sister now! Shes kinda ok with it but keeps making me cards and pictures for her "sister" lol

:rotfl: Sounds like I did when my little brother was born. My brother wanted a boy I wanted a girl. I was 5/6 and when dad said "mummy had a little boy" I was like :shock: why?!? And I just told everyone he was a she! Also when he was a bit older I would put him in dresses and make him look like a girl hahaha hes scared for life now :D Still have the pics of him in my dresses!

OOOHHH well i know what to expect now! :shock: lmao my Lucy is 6! Oh gosh I can just see her doing that, telling everyone that he is a she and putting dresses on him!! :shock: haha :rotfl: That is funny!

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