Fathers day


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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As it was Brians first fathers day i wanted to make it a little bit special for him. So i bought Evie a little suit from NEXT and put her in it this morning, then i made him a little bunting banner with pics of him and Evie on it. The when Brian got up i asked if he could change evies nappy. When he went into the her nappy drawer he found two card from Evie and me , tiger woods game for his PS3 and a photo mantage CD. He was well chffed as he didnt want me to do anything for him.
Anyone else do anything special or was it just another day?

here are some photos and the montage video:
The banner (sorry its so dark)

The little lady showing her new outfit!

Evies montage video for daddy:
Aww thats lovely... I just got my dad a card from me and a grandpa card from Keeley and a book he wanted...

At Keeley's baby group last week we made my ex a fathers day card with her foot print on it :D
I made Richards fathers day presents :)

I wrote out a poem and put it with two photos of Thea and daddy in a frame and decorated it with thea's hand and footprints. We made his card too from Thea's first attempt at using crayons :)


awww thats lovely little*red, sounds like you have all had a fab day :D

mine was nothing out of the ordinary, my ex came round picked up his stuff played witht he girls 4 5 mins then left :x

x sophie x
I made my DH a card from Libby, and put her handprint inside, she has been wearing her 'I love Daddy' babygro, the changed into her 'I love Daddy' vest to wear with her jeans.....I've also had his fave pic of Libby printed onto a mug with I Love Daddy printed on the back....along with a book on sailing - even though we live in the city.....but he wanted it, as he grew up on the coast and wants to live by the coast again soon and take up sailing.

I made cards for my dad & my stepdad from me & a separate one from Libby and put her handprints in them too, unfortunately fathers day has been a bit sad for us too as my dad had a heart attack last night so is in hosp :(
I got my OH a card and two t-shirts from Paris ones says Kid tested and the other says dad king of unfinished project :rotfl:
i got karl a track day for his motorbike from lillie-mae and also a wicked card that sings daddy,daddy cool he loved it xx
I made Tim a card with 'When I grow up i want to be just like my dad' frame on the front and a picture if them two in the middle, a poem inside and it was signed with Harrys footprint as I can never get one of his hand! I got him some hair clippers as he's been saying for ages that he wanted a pair, a photo frame with I love my Dad and another picture of the two of them & also he gave his Daddy a 'My Dad is great because...' certificate :)
your little video nearly made me cry, it's so sweet :D

even though our little one isn't born yet, in our minds me and oh are still mommy and daddy, so he got some things for his drum kit, a little trophy from the card shop that says 'best daddy', and i wrote him a little card from the bump saying how he/she is looking forward to meeting him :)


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