Fast LH surge ?

Melly I have read that your more fertile in your 40s than 30s due to your body chucking loads of eggs out ... so you will be fine !. Sunflower I may need to read that book too x
Thanks alexis...I hope you are right....since ovulation I've been feeling positive one minute then like it won't halogen the next....I guess we are are in the same's just such a long wait.....well only two weeks but feels like forever x
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Is this your 1st ? I just feel like I constantly feel like it won't happen for me....I just can't imagine ever getting a positive test. It's hard even with all these tests and timing it right it still doesn't happen. Then you need to make sure you can dtd those days ...and then after all that some people just dtd on a random nigjt and it happens for them! The whole thing is crazy!
Alexis, I know exactly how you feel. I've been trying for 18 months and it feels like it'll never happen. Melly, I'm in the 2WW's the longest 2 weeks ever!
Hiya I'm cd21 today and 4 days off af but cannot really test until Im at least 10dpo which is actually Tuesday. It can't come around soon enough.....hopefully there will be a few BFP's. It is so disheartening when everyone around you seems to be getting pregnant! Let's hope it is our time soon girls x
Hiya I'm cd21 today and 4 days off af but cannot really test until Im at least 10dpo which is actually Tuesday. It can't come around soon enough.....hopefully there will be a few BFP's. It is so disheartening when everyone around you seems to be getting pregnant! Let's hope it is our time soon girls x

I hear you...4 of my friends are all due in the summer. I am so happy for them but at the same time it makes me feel sad ...there isn't anything that can fill in the space other than a baby!
Girls does your cheaper ovulation sticks corrolate with CB ones? Two cycles I've had my peak happy face and then not even a line on the one step sticks...then days before that had a faint line...makes no sence to me. I have a small temp dip of 0.3 degrees day before I get the smiley face on this right? Would you just trust the CB test kits?
Hi alexis, my opk did correspond with cb this month. I did get a 0.2 dip I think. Then after ovulation it's been getting higher until two days ago and the last two days is has decreased which I'm sure is s sign of af being imminent. X
Hi alexis, my opk did correspond with cb this month. I did get a 0.2 dip I think. Then after ovulation it's been getting higher until two days ago and the last two days is has decreased which I'm sure is s sign of af being imminent. X

You never know! I've know girls to have the temp dip and still got their BFP... its not over till the red witch sings. Finger and toes crossed for you! Im not sure what time period is the toughest now...the fertile week....the 2 week waits ...the AF week or the random days your just waiting for these !
I think there are all a nightmare! Temp back up a bit today so not sure!
melly do you think bbting for some people doesnt work?

i can imagine id be up an down an wouldnt be able to tell if i was pg or not through that! lol xx
Not sure...possibly....I did read about implantation dips though which got me a bit excited but my dip has been 2 days before it went back up's remained above the coverline during leuphadr even the dips....and the reading suggests they last one day so I'm probably reading too much into it! Argggghhhh! ....but could also be that I'm no good at temping! Might not do it next month! It's a pain anyway! Ha ha!
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I got my solid smiley on my opk this morn and hubby was away to work timming is always rubbish! How long do I have today and tmrw usually ? Going to have to grab him when he is home from work but worrued its too late by then and try before he goes to work tmrw morn
12 - 36 hours from solid alexis :)

Melly I was going to tempt the bbting this time but the thought of doing it puts me off xx
12 - 36 hours from solid alexis :)

Melly I was going to tempt the bbting this time but the thought of doing it puts me off xx

Hope its more than 12 hours as hubbie home 11 hours after the solid face :-( Might miss the egg then!
You'll probably be fine's supposed to last up to 36 hours, I think maybe it is shorter for older women? You'll have to ounce on him as soon as he gets back! Ha ha!
I heard it was 12-48 hrs after surge. You can still get pregnant if you dtd after ovulation as the egg lasts up to 24 hours.
You'll probably be fine's supposed to last up to 36 hours, I think maybe it is shorter for older women? You'll have to ounce on him as soon as he gets back! Ha ha!

I know ive already pre warned him its happening. This afternoon I have now got loads of EWCM so its def the best day to dtd. Hoping to dtd tmrw morn as well then try for Monday if I can be bothered ! He will be home in an hour ! ;-)
Yayy! Go to it girl! I bet that makes his journey home more exciting! Ha ha!
Yayy! Go to it girl! I bet that makes his journey home more exciting! Ha ha!

Yeah it happened a bit later on as he wanted his dinner lol MEN! So hopefully I caught the egg?

This is my 1st month BBT charting. I have a temp dip from 36.4 to 36.0 the day I got a flashing face .....then It went up to 36.2 the next day with the solid face (yesterday) and then this morn its up to 36.3. Does that mean I have ovulated or maybe I am just about too.....just wondering of i have time to dtd again tonight . Should the spike be really high ? I thought the temp dip would have been after the solid smiley face? So confusing as I got EWCM on the day I got the dip and same day as flashing face and even more EWCM yesterday with the solid face. This morn I have twinges in my ovaries and still have EWCM? I am sure thats clear as mud! Haha

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