Farr tmi!!!..but need help!


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2010
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Okay was feeling for cervix again, was crurious to see if af was coming, sorry i did say tmi lol!!

i felt something, something ive never felt before
(but then again its not very often i do feel)
I was sitting on the loo and felt down there..and found a round soft ball/lumpish thing?! then i stood up and couldnt feel it so much, almost like if i was to have sex the oh would feel it..really confused, its probs nothing but my af was due a couple of days ago and still nothing..

sorry for tmi, but any help/ideas would be great :)
That is probably your cervix chick xx
i gave up checking my cervix because i really wasnt sure what i was looking for etc but i felt the same thing xx
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It's like a small doughnut. Round with a dent in the middle if that makes sense. Xx
lol i didnt even know that was my cervix!! only when i sit down its really there!! like big?! when i stand up i cant feel it so much, is that how it is with you guys?x
Yeah when you stand up you can't usually reach it as it stretches up but when your sitting it comes down I bit. Xx
so it being hard is a good thing? high and hard of ur pg or fertile? x
Hard is a good thing it hardens up in pregnancy till birth it's softer near periods to let through blood flow same as during ovulation to let in sperm that's why u can get cramps in ovulation, period and early labour it's the cervix softening x x

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Low soft and open for fertile. High hard and closed for un fertile. In early pregnancy it closes and moves up but mine stayed soft. When I say open I mean the dent in deeper unless you have had a baby before then it always seems open xx
is this how docs know when they do an internal? im going tomoz and gonna see if he thinks its worth doing another test.
I dont really know if mines soft,harder, high or low, its first time ive actually found it lol..

Thanks girls x
no not yet.. im thinking that i may miss this month like what happend three months ago.. i missed two months randomly.. then had mine last month (thats never happend before)
I was hopefull but i dont think ive had much sypmtoms to sway me to think oo i might be

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you never know! being late for AF is probably the best sign you can get - which you have! i hope it isn't a problem with your cycle and you get a BFP at the doctors tomorrow xx
yeh i think im just trying not to build my hopes up, thank you :) xxx
When it's hard it feels like the end of your nose, when it's soft it feels as soft as touching your lip xx
ooyeh i rememeber someone saying this before lol, ill give it a go, hahax
oo i dunno, its not as hard as my nose but nowhere near as soft as my lip lol!?x
Im confused, after reading this i had a go and felt like a hard lumpy bit so what does this mean? x
Never tried myself and tbh don't have a clue about it all either!

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