FAO pudds and ema lou


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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Hey girlys how are you doing?? Hope your both well!! xxxx
well its my ovulation day today according to my ticker, but ive been too ill to test on my OPK...

done my back in and have the sons sickie bug so we cant even try, im gutted!

(OH wont do anything when im ill he says)

i havent moved from the couch for 2days without my bucket...i no like feeling pukey

how are you getting on smess?xxx
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Hey ladies,

I just had a right panic! I thought I'd lost you all forever... lol. Reset all my passwords etc on my lappy, and couldnt remember my login!!

So, I am on CD 14 and have been testing my ov with sticks. The line has begun to get darker, so I think I will be ov'in in the next couple of days. Had slight cramping on my right side this morning. Giving it a good go this month!!! xxx
Yeah go for it! Just do it doggy, then you can have the bucket where ya need it, and your OH can support your back! Its all good. xx
Pudds, u do make me chuckle. Though i hav to say i still did the deed with that awful tummy bug thats going around. lol
lol awesome idea pudds!!!

its bright orange so dont think i will miss it lol

i will see how i feel when i get to bed, going for a shower to try and feel more human xx
hahaha, I thought you would all like that one. Im innovative, don't you think? :) Yeah when I am ill, a shower always make me feel more human. Dont miss the opportunity babe! xx
well i tested last night and havent ovulated yet or ive missed it, no sure.

will keep checking.

the puking has gone, its just the back thats sore and the OH has now decided to look after me so a lil doggy action wont hurt lol
Hey girlys gald too see your all still around i kept checking and thought you both had gone!!!! :( :( glad your both well!!! ema lou get too it!!! WOO HOOO!!!
How you feeling now??
Did you pull your bk?

Pudds when you due to test??

Yep I was climbing through a window to get to a client and pulled a muscle or so I thought but I have a trapped nerve in me back so signed off with some awesome painkillers lol feel like I'm stoned half the time lol.
Don't worry Hun I'm not going newhere for a very long time lol, think I will be here till I get my bfp and even untill that bfp is 16! I love this site and the girlies on it, I feel more sane when I come on here and have a good old rant lol.

How r u getting on smess? When u due to test pudds ?? Xxxx
I am ok thanks feel massive!!! Take a look at first trimis bump pic and
see what you think!!??
I love this site aswell.
Trapped nerve sounds really painful!!!! But tablets on the other hand sound quite good!!! Do they come with a
munchies side effect?? X x
lol well ive had my sons pukey bug so just gettine my appetite back now lol

i will go have a look now hun

Oh no!!!! I get everything
from my little
girl when she goes to nursery!! Colds coughs you ne
it I was lucky I didn't get conjunturvius( sp) x x
well we both fell asleep last night by the time we got back from glasgow and then with the mix of those painlkillers, so made up for it this morning and ive seriously got the horn today so a lil rapage tonight wont go a miss xx
When u due to test pudds ?? Xxxx

I am not due to test until the 14th or so... I am totally confused about how long my cycle is now though. Was always 30 days exactly until the last two months when it was 28 and 34! So I have averaged it at 31 and a bit, so should be around the 14th. I think I ov'd yesterday, and we have :bd:every day since i came off, so we are in with a chance! :) A good friend of mine had a little boy last night, so i am uber broddy atm.

Ema, what do you do for work?


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