Why do we have them especially mine just stab you in back

Right i am going to vent a little here sorry....
I have 2 aunts on mums side family, one i sometimes get on with the other i have always got on with until ....
I babysat for my favourite aunt is was a friday night & BB was on so wanted to get cousions to bed or upstairs watching tv so they were away from the swearing ect. so they stayed downstairs for 1 hour then i put them upstairs which my younger cousion went to bed & my other cousion who is 6 watched tv in his mums bed. No probems so i though.

Then my grandad speaks to mum (Mums dad) & tells me that my aunt is very upset with me for putting boys to bed early and not babysitting them. As she said they dont have to go bed but winked at me when she said that

So i decided to leave it and not talk to aunt yet until it came up then last night she phoned i expalined what i hear & she says yes she was a little upset/angry but not much & she was gonna discuss it with me when i babysit next

Then she tells me that my grandad was also upset with me thats why he told me about the whole thing to make me not like her as i am the only one in fmaily that does bit arguments no one talking

My grandad has apparently got ump with me for not having my other aunts daughter as bridemaid or my older cousion paige boy at MY wedding

Now i am upset that neither of them has come to be about it? both situations?
Now need advise am i being unfair?
* I believe that when you ask someone to babysit that they make rules not parents as they not there so when the babysitter says bed thats final not sit up all night waiting for parents to get in at 12/1am
*not having my cousion at MY wedding , i am having my sister as BOH, oh 2 sisters at BM & then my Bro, & his 2 Bros as users & his best m8 as best man so i have loads , then if i have one i have to have others, 3 cousions on mums side, & 2 on dads side then ohs cousion?