family annoyed me yesterday


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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well obviously im due in 2 days and went to see the family yesterday for fathers day. my baby has been engaged for about a month now and bump has always been low.

they started getting onto the conversation of when they think im going to have baby which i didnt need anyway cos its all getting to me at the minute.

my sister sat there and said oh your bump hasnt dropped yet youve still got at least a week i reckon. she said you can tell a bump thats ready to go.

i was like stop talking crap. really annoyed me cos my bump couldnt get any lower until baby starts coming out. even my mw said its low.

grrr sorry for the rant just hate people sitting there like they no it all just cos they have had a baby. doesnt happen the same for everyone and when my sis had her baby her bump didnt suddenly drop really low. xxx
Don't let them get to you hun. It's amazing when your pregnant, I find that people always have opinions on our bodies, how we're feeling and what we should/shouldn't be doing, and generally talking crap. Unless she's a trained MW (which I doubt), then I wouldn't worry about it.
You'll have your little man in your arms before you know it, and all of this feeling fed up and interferring people will be irrelevant, as you'll have your little boy to focus on :)
Rant Everyone, family or not will always have an opinion. Next it will be "have you not gone yet?" and you will be does it f***ing look like it!! Just take it in your stride and ignore them, I think its perfectly natural for you to be aggitated at this stage - people should just feck off ha ha
thanks hun. just really annoyed me cos my bump dropped a few weeks ago and never heard of it dropping dramatically showing that your going to go into labour. xxx
It's really annoying that people feel like they can comment on everything when you are preggers when they wouldn't comment at any other time in your life! I'm fed up of people saying how long have you got to go, then saying oh I don't think it will go that long you're HUGE!!!!!! Thing is the MW said it's all the right size for my stage so wish they would stop. RANT AWAY i say, saves you saying things to them at the time when the hormones might not let you stop!!!!!
i know what you mean. my sister also said i cant believe how much weight you have put on. your legs are massive.

thanks cos i dont feel fat and hideous enough already. xxx
I feel like an elephant! Don't know why people thinks it's ok to make comments like that! Also the touching thing is starting to bug me, with random people at work giving me a quick pat on the tummy as they walk past, sometimes without even looking or speaking to me!!!!!!
Everyone becomes a midwife when you're pregnant. It's like, "thanks love, but I think I'll listen to the people who have actually HAD the training." pee off!!! Xxx
oh I'm in the same boat as you! we can rant about them together! it does my head, I'm getting " oh your still here" and " you have been pregnant FOREVER!" its like SHUT UP AND GET LOST! I know thye probably don't mean anything by it but still they should just shut it. lol. Try and ignore them or make sarcastic comments back, thats what I've taken to doing lately, it's amazing what you can get away with when your pregnant. hehe.
Even people who've never had a baby before suddenly become an expert it seems! It's something that really grinds my gears too, and I honestly don't think people realise how annoying it is. I'm so thankful for this forum it makes you realise you're really not alone with all your pet peeves! :) xx

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