Fallen in love with a name...


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2011
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I'm so sad :( I have completely fallen in love with a boys name for LO but OH has said he hates it!!!

It may not even be relevant as we are team yellow and could well be a girl, on which we can agree a name.

But I completely love the name Seth for a little boy!

It goes perfect with his surname 'Rumble'. And he wanted Andrew as a middle name after his dad.

How prefect does 'Seth Andrew Rumble' sound!? lol.

You know when you just fall in love with something and then every other suggestion is just like 'meh'. Not that he has any other suggestions :wall2:

Eurrgh MEN!!!
I love that surname!!! How cute is Seth Rumble :) xxx

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I agree, very cute name! Maybe your OH will come around?
just wait til its born and im sure he will agree with what you want then
I hope so :) there are a lot of other names I like but I kinda feel like I don't like them enough to give that name to my child.
Apparantly the name Seth doesn't sound manly enough to him!!! He says the name Seth makes him imagine someone weedy and geeky!
But then he has no other suggestions for a name that is more "manly"!!!

I think Seth sounds like a good name for any age too and is cute for a baby :)
I shall have to work on it xxx
Seth isn't too bad! I don't agree with your husband at all with his reasonings about why it's not!
Give it time! Maybe he'll get used to it, or maybe you'll be lucky and fall in love with a name that he likes as well :)
My hubby didn't like Elliot for DS2 when I first suggested it but he liked it by the time he arrived and pushed for it to be his name when he arrived and we were deciding between that and his choice which was Austin. Names do tend to grow on u sometimes I think - and I love Seth :) x x x
Hey hun....my OH was adamant that we weren't having Freddie for a boy (which I soooo wanted) anyway half way through my labour he said I could choose whatever I wanted for boy or girl :) RESULT ha!

Tbh I did have an horrific labour but still....your OH may change his mind when he see what us ladies have to go through was my point :) xx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
I really love the name Seth, and wow what a great surname, I'm just a Jones!!

Hang in there, I picked all my names , and my OH really said no to the name Devon when I had my daughter , he would have been Devon but as she was a girl he got a narrow escape, but 9 years later I got my way, and he loves it. He doesn't like his middle name (Rory) as a first name so perhaps he thought better way round

After all the birth pain etc , call baby Seth as soon as he comes out , and that's that.. ha ha
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