Faint 2nd line!!??

Fingers crossed

Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2006
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Looking through my drawers to find something I saw all my peesticks and had the urge to do one. So I grabbed an OPK stick and ventured off to the bathroom, piddled in my 'special' cup, dunked and waited. Staight away a 2nd line started to catch on the bottom, not very faint though but not dark or complete like the control :shock: . Does this mean I'm about to 'O' :think: , is it a false reading or does my suspected PCOS bugger up OPKs. I have taken a pic on my phone, so I'll post it up tomorrow when I'm not so tired :sleep: but it defo is a pink 2nd line. I've not told OH just in case he can't perform from stress, but needless to say he's gonna get jumped even though he's been complaining of a headache all evening. TALLYHO!!!
Couldn't wait til tomorrow to post it

I'm holding it upside down, the control is on the bottom. I'm gonna do another tomorrow evening just in case it was a fluke. Then again I have got a little pain on my lower left side I just thought it was cos I needed the loo :oops: , or I may be just imagining it lol. And I had quite a low temp for me yesterday :think: . Probably turn out to be nothing
thats about as dark as I ever got with the cheapo peesticks to be honest, but the superdrug one I did at the same time a few days ago gave me a much darker thank control line positive when the cheapo just showed a fainter line, I guess they just aren't as sensitive as the shop bought ones.
Hope you managed to get OH to BD they say it's a good cure for a headache really but don't tell my OH will you :rotfl:
i havent always got completely dark wither , i wouldnt leave it till tonight to test tho , id test about about 10 am ish this morning !

and good luck chick !

my LH line definitely got darker than my control line, but it's different with everyone. My sticks looked like that about 2-3 days before I got my really positive one.

But sperm can survive for up to 5-6 days, so if you're going to OV soon, BDing wouldn't be a bad idea!

Fingers crossed I looked up OPK's and PCOS in Toni Weschler's taking charge of your fertility and she does warn that if the woman has PCOS her body may contiunally produce false LH surges, not indicative of impending ovulation. I would take G3M's advice and test again this morning at about 10am then again this afternoon. Get BD'ing but watch for those 3 high temps rather than relying on the OPK.

I hope this is it hon!! :D :hug:
Becs said:
Fingers crossed I looked up OPK's and PCOS in Toni Weschler's taking charge of your fertility and she does warn that if the woman has PCOS her body may contiunally produce false LH surges, not indicative of impending ovulation. I would take G3M's advice and test again this morning at about 10am then again this afternoon. Get BD'ing but watch for those 3 high temps rather than relying on the OPK.

I hope this is it hon!! :D :hug:
Thanks for that I didn't think of looking it up :roll: . My temps has been Monday 36.2 Tuesday 36.6 and today 36.3, so I don't think I'm gonna O :( . Did another OPK this evening and there was another line but fainter than yesterdays, couldn't do one this morning as I was working :x . I jumped on OH last night anyway :cheer: just in case.
you may have peaked this morngin when u couldnt test ! dont give up hope ! remember it may only be a small window u get positive something liek 12 hours !
Wow fancy, a 12 hour possible conception margin in 9 months :shock: , would be a fluke if the first and only time I decided to do an OPK it would test +
Fingers crossed said:
........I grabbed an OPK stick...........Does this mean I'm about to 'O' ............. does my suspected PCOS bugger up OPKs.........

Sorry guys, I am new to this.... what do all the abbreviations mean?

Hope you get the result you are looking forward to!!!!
opk ovulation prediction kit (pee sticks to show when you ovulate) HTP is a pregnancy test BFN/BFP is a big fat negative/positive
O/OV is ovulation and BD is baby dancing
Oh is other half, DH dear husband, DS dear son, DD dear daughter.
hope this helps

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