Extremely tired.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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I know it is normal to be tired during pregnancy but this feels different. Going from the couch to the toilet is exhausting. I've been weary about talking to m/w or doctor about it as they will probably just tell me it is the pregnancy. Anyone else feel this way at 7 months?

(sorry for whinging about it, i know people at 9 months must be shattered!!)
Me :( , especially today but I've been feeling much more tired over the past few weeks. I'm hoping theres another energy spurt arount the corner. It's horrible isn't it, I'm finding myself being quite snappy with people aswell because I'm so knackered all the time.

Alex xxx
I haven't got to the tired stage I felt in tri 1 but I do feel more tired when Im doing things, for example if I'm cleaning I cant manage as much as I used to.

Now I'm no expert but I know tiredness can be linked to anemia, have you had your bloods done again, think they are usually due around 28 weeks.

Maybe your iron levels are a little low and thats why you're feeling exhausted?

at 28/29 weeks I went off on early maternity and left work my anemia was so bad, i was tired all the time, best to get it checked...you are around the time the time baby is building it's blood
I'm tired and have zero energy.
I hope I get an energy burst soon, got too much stuff to do before baby comes!
Have you had your iron tested?

I felt like this at about your stage and started on SpaTone and now I feel SO much better...
I was exhausted all the time up until I went on Mat Leave - but I was doing 2 jobs

Make sure u rest

I think it is everything shifting up again. I had this a week ago at 27 weeks, and after a few days felt better, although still breathless.

:hug: :hug: :hug:

Me too....I've being exhausted for a couple of weeks but I figured it's probably my own fault cos I work full time and I'm on my feet for most of the day. Not long until maternity leave so I'm hoping the nesting instinct will kick in for a bit then and I'll also be able to get a bit of rest too. xxxx

Hope you feel better soon. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I feel like such a fraud. I don't work so it isn't like I am tired because of that. I am a housewife but I can barely do 5 minutes of dishes without needing to sit down for like an hour!!

I am getting a growth scan done next week (Aimee is a bit on the small side so I've been getting scans done every month to keep a check on her growth rate) so I will ask them to test my iron levels when they take my blood.
Don't feel a fraud...carrying a LO is a tiring job!! :hug:

I'd defo get your iron levels checked hun..mine are ok so I know it's not due to that but yours might be as it obvioulsy causes exteme tiredness.
:hug: :hug: :hug:
I go through periods of tiredness usually when i do (or baby does shuold say) a growth spurt/ weight gain. then i bounce back. I've been doing it like this since 18 weeks or so.


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