Extremely Anxious


New Member
Apr 8, 2014
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I am new to forums but just feel I need some sort of reassurance / advice.

It took 3 years for me to fall pregnant and I discovered I was Pg in December 2013 and miscarried 15th January 2014 at approx 8 weeks. On the 13th Jan I got an early scan though which did show a heartbeat and then 2 days later it was all over. Heartbroken.

My period hadn't arrived and so I took a test on 11th Mach and it shows positive at 2 - 3 weeks (clear blue digital).

I gradually started getting symptoms, a bit queasy but nothing major, have never actually been sick. Boobs were very tender and sore but yesterday this feeling was gone and they don't appear as swollen either and I am now totally freaking out that this could mean another miscarriage.

I am so scared and driving myself crazy with worry. I wasn't going to bother with an 8 week scan but called my local EPU yesterday and so I am booked in for next week (15th April).

Just beside myself with worry. Does loss of symptoms mean a miscarriage is going to happen soon? I just don't know.

Any advice or anything at all would mayeb help ease my mind. Just don't want to get my hopes up again.

I've unfortunately had three miscarriages (but do have a healthy two year old). Each one was very different. Some I lost symptoms, some I didn't at all and it was a shock. The first two were after 11 weeks but the baby had died a few weeks before. With the first one, I had every symptom under the sun even after I started bleeding. I think what I'm trying to say is symptoms won't necessarily tell you, only scans will. I'm almost 12 weeks now and I've had three scans already and have another on the same day as you. I'm so nervous but I know this is something I have to go through for the end result.
The likelihood is that you'll be fine this time, my situation only affects 1% of the population (so I'm told) so try your best to relax and stay positive. I wish you all the luck in the world xx
Oh and another thing - I was CONVINCED this time I had lost the baby as all of my symptoms had gone. I even cried on the way to the scan I was that certain. In there was a wriggling 10 week fetus...! I was so shocked I almost passed out. My symptoms have come and gone all the way through x
Thanks for responding.

I am so sorry to hear of everything that you have had to go through. So awful.

Fingers crossed that this time round for you and me it will all be ok.

As the week has gone on I have managed to calm down a little bit but not sleeping great.

The scan on Tuesday will hopefully show that everything is as it should be.

Last time they couldn't tell by doing tummy scan and had to do the internal scan. I feel nervous that any prodding could affect everything but I know it can't be like that because otherwise they wouldn't do them that way.

Thanks again for responding to my post.

Some people tell me not to worry but it's almost impossible!

Big hug to you x
When i miscarried I didnt have a loss of symptoms and felt sick for days after, so a loss of them doesnt necessarily mean anything.
With this pregnancy I have had weeks with no symptoms right from the start and ofcourse have freaked out alot thinking i was miscarrying, but baby is still there now at 19 weeks.
If you arent in any pain and there isnt any blood, chances are all's good. So try to keep this in mind and stay as calm as you can (I know thats SO hard!)
I kept very busy leading up to my scan to make the days go quicker, so went to see friends, went swimming, went shopping.. anything to pass each day quicker.
Good luck with the scan, they are the most nerve wracking things! Im sure everything will be totally fine! xx
Hi Climbing Rose

Thanks so much for your words of encouragment. Means a lot.
Yes, scans are so so nerve wracking. I am hoping this is just all in my head and all this super worrying will be worth it.

I always thought when I was younger being pregnant would be a breeze - took me 3 years to conceive and now all this. Hopefully in the end luck will be with me.

Thanks again xx
Hi. I too had a MC last October and when I fell pregnant this time I've been a worrying mess. Very early on I had lost all symptoms, I was so scared but the ladies on here were great and reassured me because I had no pain or bleeding. Then a week later all my symptoms came back in full force and I've felt terrible up until a week ago.
Also a lot of ladies sail through there pregnancy , others just suffer and feel like crap lol. Why don't you talk to some of the girls in the first trimester section , it will put your mind at rest that there's a lot going through or have been through what you are xxxx

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