ex's on facebook lol

Gem & Leland

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
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isnt it weird when the pop up ! an ex added me yesterday and his all married now too ! and today another one appears and he looks like his not changed a bit and still a shite bag womeniser :rotfl:

do u add your ex's ? i think its all a bit weird and havent added the one that turned up today , he just happened to turn up on a girls profile who added me :think:

and some ex;s arent u just sooooooooooooooooooo glad there ex;s !
I keep looking for my ex before Brad just because I am so nosey, but he's not on there! I really want to nose and see what he is up to, we parted on good terms so I would add him if he was!
i've got one of mine on there - but i would add the latest ex as i hate his bones
the one i found today was horrid to me at the end , cheated to me , durring sex blurted out he'd never really loved me :x we split and he went with the other girl and then cheated on her with me :oops: love is blind after all , it took me about 4 years to get him and i didnt wanna give up if u know what i mean ? glad i did tho , his name was floyd after all :rotfl: and his now bald ! and i loved his hair !

think we should name and shame out ex's :rotfl:
My ex was called Terry :rotfl: ended up big fat and bald too living with his mam :rotfl:
Don't get me started on ex's on facebook!

When I was 6 months pregnant my ex's best friend rang me and said my ex had died the week before
(I posted it in off topic so some of you may remember) he said he fell off a hotel balcony in Teneriffe.
About a month ago I searched for him on facebook but didn't think he would be on there if he is dead
but would you Adam and Eve it he was on there!!!!
He had only recently joined so there is no way could he have died!
His mate lied to me but what gets me mad is that his mate tracked my phone number down knowing
I was pregnant (I saw him the week before but pretended I didn't see him like you do lol) just to tell me my ex was dead.
I was with the pillock for 5 years!
Sick pure sick :evil:
i'm friends with most of my exes, and some are on facebook, but they are mainly exes without much history...i.e they were relationships that never really got off the ground anyway so it didnt go all mental!!

i have one long term 'proper' ex and we've stayed in contact over the years but since i met OH and fell pregnant he's still been in touch , but never asked about him or the baby so i guess that ones going to fizzle out

My OH keeps in touch with his ex on facebook and i dont mind that, she's starting her own family now anyway

me and him are on one facebook page anyway so everything is very open and no wondering who the other person is contacting!!lol
If my ex added me I would hassle him for a divorce! :twisted:
Vickyleigh said:
Don't get me started on ex's on facebook!

When I was 6 months pregnant my ex's best friend rang me and said my ex had died the week before
(I posted it in off topic so some of you may remember) he said he fell off a hotel balcony in Teneriffe.
About a month ago I searched for him on facebook but didn't think he would be on there if he is dead
but would you Adam and Eve it he was on there!!!!
He had only recently joined so there is no way could he have died!
His mate lied to me but what gets me mad is that his mate tracked my phone number down knowing
I was pregnant (I saw him the week before but pretended I didn't see him like you do lol) just to tell me my ex was dead.
I was with the pillock for 5 years!
Sick pure sick :evil:

that is so messed up- as if you wouldn't see him around one day eventually..duh! thats sick!
iv only just really started getting in to facebook. i found an old girl friend the other day and added her, i hadnt seen her for 9 years so said in the message "dont kno if u remember me, but..." and my boyf saw the reply message and said "who's that?" and i was like "this girl i um, used to know" and he pulled this face and said "oh, one of ur conquests?!" and came up and read the message it said "of course i remember u, u wally! didnt we once have a drunken 3some"! :lol: so my boyf clicked on her profile and saw the pic (she's a pretty girl) and said "hey i tell u what, if u ever want another 3some...!" haha.
oh, and i added an ex who was a bit of a twat to me also about 8 or 9 years ago- DONT GO ON FACEBOOK DRUNK!!! lol :wall:
I don't get why people want to keep in touch with ex's. I personally don't care what my ex is doing now.

It's all in the past, leave it there is what I say.
I have quite a few ex boyfriends on my facebook, but then i get on with them all still, well all but maybe 1 of them.

That sounds awful saying quite a few , sounds like i am a right one :oops: I'm not its just over a period of over 10 years, with some being a couple of months and others being 3 years.
Ive got my two "main"exes on there, my first love and the ex husband, but we parted on good terms in both relationships..plus Im a nosy bi-ach :roll:
I'm in touch with a couple of ex's on facebook, ones my now 'out and proud' ex fiancee, and the other is the guy i ditched when I met DH. Am also friends with DH's ex so it all seems pretty normal to us.
I have some ex's on facebook but they weren't really major relationships or anything so didn't effect any part of my life a great deal. Don't think I would add some of the arseholes I went out with.
Yea I agree, Ive had requests off some of the barstewards I went out with,but have ignored it.
They'd prolly try and cause trouble anyway!! :roll:
I have been with my Dh since we were 18 (10 yrs), so don't have much in the way of exes! A couple from school, who I am friends with on facebook, but the last serious one (who I dumped for DH :oops: ) who I haven't seen at all for the 10 yrs isn't on there and I really wish he was cos I am so nosey and I want to know what he is up to!!!

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