Expressing question how to build up supply


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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I have had to express milk because although I can sometimes get Ivy to latch due to inverted nipples it doesn't always work and she gets all stressed and just shakes her head and screams because theres nothing there. Thing is now my right breast seems to be really running low :( Ivys getting hungrier and my milk is getting less rather than more, is there anything I can do to build up the supply? Would it help to put her to the breast and try and get her to latch even if she cant draw anything would that stimulate the milk, then express it for feeds? I really want to do this for her but I'm starting to worry shes not getting near enough what she needs. I know I'm making less milk just from the fact that I'm not soaking wet all the time!!! Although that was uncomfortable at least then I knew I was making plenty, now its like I have none. :(
Evie doesn't lartch well either :( I've found if I use nipple shields at night and then just let her have a go on her own during the day, my nipples are getting a break at night so they're ready for the day! She doesn't latch well, but I just take her off the nipple and try again. Usually I do this about 8 times per feed! I know it sounds a lot, but I really want her to learn how to latch.

I think what you're doing is fine! You're trying her in the breast and expressing when it doesn't work! My milk supply has gone through the roof since I expressed every last dreg out of my boobies last week lol. They say you shouldn't express til your milk supply is really good, but it worked wonders!! I was just pumping away, even when not much was coming out, I refused to stop lol. The next day, I was pouring with milk!

The more milk I have, I notice Evie latches better too. It's almost like she has to work too hard to latch properly when my boobs aren't very full (which isn't often!) xx
Yep pop baby on boob as much as you can any sucking will simulate your flow. Have you got any nipple shields? Have read that they do brill if you've got inverted nipples.. might help your LO to latch on. xx
Yeh we are trying the shields too but it seems as though she is more sucking the shield rather than the nipple and its doing the same as what the expresser is doing shes not actually stimulating the breast? She gets some milk through that way though but its more through sucking power than stimulation if that makes sense, when shes latched on without the shield she chews around the nipple to get milk but with the shield she just sucks the milk out :think: .
Keep putting her to your breast, keep her close to you, and keep trying to feed. offer her constantly and even if she's just sucking it will stim you breasts
It is still possible to bf with inverted nipples.

Eta - its not the actual nipple they suck on they take quite a lot in and the nipple should be at the back of their mouths.
As others have said just keep putting baby on the boobie as often as possible. It sounds like you're doing great just keep at it it will be worth it in the end.

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