Expressing and sterilising

english rose

Well-Known Member
May 28, 2011
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Okay ladies - daft question coming up!

I've just started to express some milk and I'm totally new to the world of sterilising....

I have expressed some milk into storage pots which are now in the fridge. I intend to sterilise a bottle to put the milk in just before I feed LO, and will warm the milk in the bottle.

In future, to make life easier, I think I might express straight into the bottle. My question is this...

If I sterilise a bottle and express into it, and then store the milk in the fridge, is it okay to use the next day? i.e. does it matter how long ago the bottle was sterilised before I feed LO. I know that I need to use the milk within 72 hours (or 24 or 48 depending on what you read!) but I'm just wondering whether it matters that the bottle was sterilised, say 24 hours before I feed LO, and that it sits in the fridge all that time?

Hope this makes sense!

Thanks ladies!


P.S. Also, when you're warming milk from the fridge, do you sit it in boiling, hot or warm water, and how long does it take to get to body temp? Thanks!
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Confusing isn't it :)

Yes you can express it straight into a bottle and use it the next day, make sure you use a storage lid rather than a teat. You can keep it in the fridge for 5 days according to the nhs. Make sure to store it at the back of the fridge which is the coldest part.

To warm, I boil the kettle and use so it's just off boiling. It depends how many ozs you're warming as to how long it takes, but 2-5 mins ish.
Aaaah! So storage lid at first, then change for sterilised teat when ready to feed. Thank you! You're right - it is confusing!

Thanks so much! I'm hoping hubby can feed his little girl for the first time this eve! :)
I'm just hoping she'll take the bottle okay! She hates dummies, but I'm hoping the milk will swing it for me! I think I'll tell hubby she may not take it so that if she does it will be a bonus!
The bottles I have don't come with storage lids. So I just use a teat, and we've not had any probs xxx
She took the bottle! Yay!!!

Another question now though........if you take expressed milk out with you, do you warm it or give at room temp? If you warm it, do you do it before you go out and keep it in a keepy-warmy thingy (can't think of the word!) or do you ask for warm water in cafes etc?
I have a tommee tippee travel warmer that fits ncely into the changing bag. It's basically a mini flask to hold hot water and the water stays hot for ages. I tend to give Chloe her milk slightly warmer, she has reflux and the warmer milk comforts her more, but it is personal choice.

You could just ask for warm water in cafes, though some cafes won't do it in case you burn and safety gone mad lol
I just give G it at room temp. Think it depends on the baby - some prefer it warmer than others. xxx

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