Expressing and formula for working mums


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2007
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Hi - just wondered if anyone else was deciding what to do when they go back to work? When I go back in September, Emms will be 5 1/2 months and I will be working 3 days a week.

I thought I would BF on the days I'm not working and in the morning before work and evening on the days I am working and then ask the childminder to give her bottles of formula during the day. HOWEVER today I tried giving Emms a bottle of SMA gold (ready made) and she absolutely refused it. I know it's not the bottle as she has mastered the bottle every now and then of expressed milk. I had a smell of it and it does smell very strong.

I guess I will have to try different types and try and persevere with it, but wondered if anyone in the same position has any advice?

Has anyone expressed all the milk needed for LO when working? If nothing else works I am going to have to try this, but it will mean getting up really early and expressing and doing it on the days I'm not working to build up enough. This will be an added stress for me when I am going back to work. My OH would really like me to express if I can but I'm not sure if it's going to be very easy.

Any advice would be welcome . . . .
I had to try EVERY formula on the market before I found one that a) didn't make him come out in a rash, and b) he would actually drink!

He had been breastfed for the first 6 months, so I think they have delicate tastes and will only drink certain types.

Buy the ready made small cartons, one of each kind, and keep trying them until you find one your LO likes.

Asher finally settled on Hipp Organic follow-on.

Lil miss is still bf'd and I work 5 days a week between 8:30 till 3pm...

What I did was before I started work I built up a supply over several days expressing what I could a couple of times a day. Now... I get up, get dressed and express... usually around 2/3oz.... I used to express at work but then I changed branches and the new boss didn't allow me so I stopped.... but now I come home at 3 and express after feeding lil miss... I get around 4/5oz... That with the amount I express in the morning is enough for lil miss during the time I am not there.

She also has two meals.. breakfast and lunch... in the time I am not there and that helps her get through it.. You HAVE to be dedicated when expressing... and you have to do it every day. But it soon becomes routine. :)

If you have any questions please pm me... I never had to resort to formula at all and lil miss has only had formula in the last week and that has only been in her food (I made home made cauliflower and cheese from Annabel Karmels book... :) )

I was really worried I'd have to give lil miss formula but I didn't in the end.. mind she does kind of have a nursing strike during the day as she prefers her milk from the boob... so she doesn't take much from the cup during the day, but when I come home she latches on for a good hour. :D
Squiglet said:
Lil miss is still bf'd and I work 5 days a week between 8:30 till 3pm...

What I did was before I started work I built up a supply over several days expressing what I could a couple of times a day. Now... I get up, get dressed and express... usually around 2/3oz.... I used to express at work but then I changed branches and the new boss didn't allow me so I stopped.... but now I come home at 3 and express after feeding lil miss... I get around 4/5oz... That with the amount I express in the morning is enough for lil miss during the time I am not there.

She also has two meals.. breakfast and lunch... in the time I am not there and that helps her get through it.. You HAVE to be dedicated when expressing... and you have to do it every day. But it soon becomes routine. :)

If you have any questions please pm me... I never had to resort to formula at all and lil miss has only had formula in the last week and that has only been in her food (I made home made cauliflower and cheese from Annabel Karmels book... :) )

I was really worried I'd have to give lil miss formula but I didn't in the end.. mind she does kind of have a nursing strike during the day as she prefers her milk from the boob... so she doesn't take much from the cup during the day, but when I come home she latches on for a good hour. :D

Wow you are amazing - quite an inspiration. I will seriously consider the expressing option. I will PM you if I think of more questions, thank you :hug:
KJ said:
Buy the ready made small cartons, one of each kind, and keep trying them until you find one your LO likes.

Just to add, if you buy the cartons and are then planning on buying it in powder form remember that it will taste very different again. If you are happy with the cartons (expensive option) thats fine, but if you then plan to use the powder form your LO might not like that due to different taste.
I have decided a compromise as I will be away from LO from about 8 - 5.30, I just dont think I'll be able to express enough milk for my working days. I will express a bottle to go to the childminders but also use formula too. I have been trying Emms with different milks, and Cow and Gate seems to be the winner so far. Hopefully by the time I go to work she will have started on some diluted juices and baby rice too, so that will fill her up too.

4 1/2 months of exclusive BF is pretty good I think and I will BF when we are at home on my days off and morning/ evenings on work days all being well.

Thanks for the advice lovely people :hug: :hug:
I have a similar worry but as I am not due to return to work until November, I have a little more time to build up my stocks! (60oz so far and obsessively counting! :rotfl:) I mentioned my concerns to my health visitor who said to aim to leave one bottle to have whilst at nursery (presumably at least 8oz) and that if I fed before dropping her off and as soon as I collected her (4pm) that she would take what she needed from me at those times and will be topped up with the bottle during the day. My HV wasn't at all concerned which was reassuring as she must have monitored lots of women returning to work who wish to continue breastfeeding.

With regards to the formula issue- it sounds to me as if you are going about it the right way. Why not ask to borrow one bottle's worth of formula powder from any mums you know who bottle feed so that your LO can try different types without the risk that the ready made stuff will taste different to the powder and without it costing you a fortune in unused formula!

Good luck and I hope the return to work goes well xxx :hug:

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