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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2007
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I am so tired i think i am exhausted! i know i am not on my own but i cant believe how strage i feel, i get dizzy sometimes and if i get time to eat anything i get a sugar rush! even its a sandwhich i get rushes like i am really tired and the food is like a drug that makes me have a big burst of energy, does that make any sense? i bet i sound weird lol but thats the only way i can describe it, i cant seem to unwind i am that shattered....anyone else need a rant??
I dont need a rant but havin a young baby is very tiring..things will get better! :hug:
Just keep snacking, whenever you can, if you're feeling tired it will help, also sit down and try to have a few minutes with your eyes closed and just deep breathing :hug: :hug: :hug:
You certainly don't sound weird, just like a new Mummy who's doing all she can for her LO Just remember to watch yourself too, you need looking after, you need to be well to be your bestest for LO. You're doing great, just keep checking in with yourself and chat about it if things feel like they are getting on top or otherwise :hug: :hug: :hug:
it really does get easier ..make sure you eat though even snack on fruit qs this really does give you more energy to keep goign..also if you are so tired get a nap when lo does..it is so worth it...the housework will still be ther but they are small for such a short time

hope you get some rest
OMG those first few weeks are sooooooooooooooo hard and sooooooooooo tiring. Think Amy's said it all. Try and look after yourself. It's easy to forget about you when you're so focussed on the baby.
L xxx
It really is exhausting. Don't feel that your house has to be spotless, noone will care about a bit of mess when you're baby is still so tiny. Don't forget to eat regularly - if your OH makes himself a packed lunch in the morning ask him to make you one too so that you don't have to worry about it. Don't feel guilty about just sitting cuddling your baby - it goes so quickly, they're only tiny for a little while so enjoy it!
Awww I can remember those early weeks of having to eat when you can, sleep when you can and sit down when you can. I used to get the dizzy sugar rush feeling and used to feel sick alot in the first few weeks.

All I can suggest is try to eat little & often so you are getting slow energy and try to rest/sleep when your baby is sleeping. is your babe sleeping through yet?

vicky x

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