

Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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Anyone else? Even after a good nights sleep I am still so tired, I fall asleep through the day too even yesterday I fell asleep on the sofa about 6 o'clock and I hadn't even been at work!?
i wake up early now but need a nap bylunchtime its so annoying
yeah. Id rather have a lie in but i seem to wake early and need sleep later on. I normally love a lie in
Yep, i'm feeling totally exhausted too even though i am literally doing nothing at the moment! even just doing the hoovering means that i need to have a lie down after!! I feel your pain :nap:
i would sleep morning, noon and night! i have NO energy whatsoever....takes all my power just to get out of bed :(

morning sickness has kicked in big time too so i cannot stomach food (any food :sick:)

im feeling so s**t, i just want to roll up and cry :cry:

Awful isn't it??? it's supposed to be a magical time and we feel like crap!! :rofl: xxxx
Hey girls. Just want to say it does ease off as the weeks go by. I was so tired up until about 8 weeks that I was actually crying a times. In still tired at times now but its def not as bad. In getting more towards the end of the week after being in work all week. Just rest when you can... tryibg to work or push urself thru it doesnt work! You will start to feel heaps better as the days and weeks go by xxxx
ive been extremely tired and feeling sick all day for the last 3 days :(
im sleeping by 11pm.. then can just about stand ALL DAY! in work..
then around 3-4 im knackerd.. and i cry over nething!!! x
congratulations xxx only just realised ur pregnant mrsmc. havnt ben on often in last few weeks xxx

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