Excuses for not drinking


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2006
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Hey Girls,

Hope you're all okay!

I have a slight problem which is that my husbands Sister has invited herself to stay for 2 days and nights, arriving tomorrow. Thing is she'll want to know why I'm not drinking and as I am only 5 weeks I really don't want to tell her I'm pregnant. The other thing is she's a chemist! So I don't want to use the excuse that I'm on antibiotics- she'll ask to see the prescription.

Any suggestions? Please help!!

Becs xx
You've given it up for lent?
You are on a detox?
You have an upset tummy and don't want to set it off?

Anyway, how rude if she does ask to see a prescription!!!
Hey Becs, i'm good thanks - how are you?

Good excuses, mmm... how about you are on a diet and alcohol is full of calories?!
Or you recently went out and had the mother of all hangovers so can't face drink for a while?

Hope that helps. x
Yeah they're all good ones thanks girls!! Madambully - she is a bit like that!

I'm good Bexter. Though a little paronoid at the moment, the thought of being outted before I'm ready has got me feeling all worried about all the stats on how many people M/C at this stage. Sorry to bring it up,usually a lot more positive. Guess I'm having a bad day.
Hi, i totally understand. :hug: I was sooo paranoid last week.

My parents have told EVERYONE about this pg, i keep thinking "What if something goes wrong, i'm gonna look so stupid".

I'm gonna pm you something that helped me get through the worst of my paranoia (so far).

Take care. xx
I know what both of you mean (sorry to jump on your post), I have felt like this all weekend, highs and lows, I worry all the time that it might not get to 12 weeks which is an awful feeling as there is a high percentage that don't make it.

We just have to think positive and hope for the best
If you're drinking at home you could fix vodka cokes for the others and just have coke for yourself? Or you could have a small glass of wine and get your husband to drink bits of it when she leaves the room and only have a few small swigs yourself? - Don't laugh at these! This sums up my whole Christmas with various relatives! My husband was hammered the night we stayed at his dads house with the amount of wine he kept pouring me!
:rotfl: That's what I'm gonna do eightball. I'll just pretend to be drinking!! Great idea! She'll never guess.

It's quite amusing really - I used to drink vodka and tonics and since I found out I'm pregnant I have just tonic water inthe evenings with ice and a slice - tastes practically the same so I still look forward to it and treat it like the real thing :rotfl:

Triggerstacey - thanks for sharing. It's somehow comforting to hear we all feel the same even though it is pretty safe to assume.

You are right though. Positive thinking is the only way forward.


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