exciting month of milestones next month..


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2012
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I cant believe next month it will be v-day (begininng of the month), then my 99 day countdown where i will be finally down to double figures and also my 4d scan (well hopefully) and it will be my time to move to tri 3 (end of the month) quite a scary thought that i will be on the final stretch by the end of next month, i love milestones and definitly looking foward to v-day so i can relax abit and hopefully feel pregnant because at the moment i really dont :/ pointless thread but i am excited that i will be going through 3 big milestone in the same month xx
Definitely agree that time seems to be flyyyying by!! Double figures for me tomorrow, then tri 3 soon after!! :shocked: xx
Definitely agree that time seems to be flyyyying by!! Double figures for me tomorrow, then tri 3 soon after!! :shocked: xx

Time is zoooming on by!! where has it gone?! I cant believe we're double figures tomorrow :O

What an exciting month for you!!! You have so much to look forward too hun!!! xxx
well done all of you :pompom:, fingers crossed my time passes as quickly .;) xx
Definitely agree that time seems to be flyyyying by!! Double figures for me tomorrow, then tri 3 soon after!! :shocked: xx

Time is zoooming on by!! where has it gone?! I cant believe we're double figures tomorrow :O

What an exciting month for you!!! You have so much to look forward too hun!!! xxx

I know! I can't believe it's been like 6 weeks since my 20 week scan! It's crazy..

Such an exciting month hun :D I too will be having 4D scan and moving to tri 3, scary stuff :shock: But wonderful too! Time is zooming by!! x x

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