Excema (?) Question


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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Brody has developed a few red, raised dry bits on his back and bum.

I don't know if it's excema or not, but I am going to Tesco tomorrow anyway so I thought I'd ask you guys what I could buy there for it.

I had only got aqueous cream here so I have rubbed some of that in for now, but I was hoping for something to put in his bath maybe, and a cream?

Any suggestions?

Cheers girls.
my daughter suffers from really bad eczema, the docter gave her oilatum, you can get the stuff you put in the bath and also cream
and you can buy it over the counter

hey urchin sorry to hear Brody has dry skin, Ryan had really awful excema on his face when he was little and we used oilatum and got some steroid cream from the docs but i tried not to use that often at all cos of thinning the skin.

kerry a friend of mine swears by E45 for her sons excema but it irritated Ryan more so think i used some nivea one.

hope you find a cure :)
I was also given oilatum for my daughter and dipro base cream it is fab and her rash seems to have cleared up.

Good luck and I hope it clears up :D
My sis has exzema (sp) she uses oilatum in the bath, and started with E45 or Hydrocortisone cream, and has increased the strength after doc's perscription.

So my recopmmendation would be to try E45 (cream not lotion) or pick up some hydrocortisone cream to see how you get on........hope it helps clear it :hug: up....
jess has it and we can getaway with just using cetraben atm but in summer we need fucidin as well. I got both from the doc.

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