Evie's Naming Ceremony- Any Ideas/Advice?


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2008
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We've decided that a Naming Ceremony is more for us than a christening- we want the whole family to meet her and to all meet each other and we want a big party... without having to get married! :wink: :rotfl:

I am going to phone up some halls to hire as we don't have enough room at ours for everyone and I want to get a catered buffet so I don't have to worry about all that on the day!

Can anyone who's had one give me some advice on what happens on the actual day- did you a little speech or was it more formal than that? We have a couple of people who we want to be involved in Evie's upbringing and want to acknowledge them but not sure how to go about it :?

:doh: I need your halp!
Hi Jade,

There is a website you can look on who will basically write you a script to follow for naming ceremonies, or you can hire one of their people to conduct the naming ceremony for you.

click here

I have been to 3 naming ceremonies and have been god parent at one and I conducted one of the other ceremonies.

As a god parent I said a reading and presented my nephew with a candle, which was lit during the ceremony.

There were other people who also did readings like grand parents and parents, basically the important influential people who my SIL wanted to speak at the service.

A naming ceremony can include whatever you want, thats the beauty of it.

I have somewhere the order of service for all 3 I attended I will try and dig it out and give you a bit more info, I will PM you when I find it. Probably tomorrow now when Maia is having her afternoon nap.
I bought a book from the British Humanist Association, which has ideas for readings and a couple of sample ceremonies, so I've taken bits from that and rearranged them to suit me. I have a 'service' that my mum's going to deliver and will probably last about 10-15 minutes, and I've chosen my cousin and best friend to be Oliver's supporting adults so there's a little bit for that in the ceremony too where they make a promise to be there for him.

After that I'm going to put a buffet on (but we're doing it ourselves) and the place has a bar, and I'll have some background music so people can just mingle. I can PM you some bits from my ceremony if you want? Or I was going to put the book in the sale section for £3.50 posted (although I have drawn stars by one or two readings I wanted to use so it's not in perfect condition!).
we are just having a bbq in the back garden, with a bouncy castle. just an excuse for a get together. We are also going to make sure we make a will I think that is important because its legally standing.

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