Ever time I cough- I wet myself! :-(


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2011
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Seriously ladies I am more than ashamed right now! I cannot look after myself as I feel so lousy, so have come to my parents house with Imogen to be looked after. I have spent a day trying to drink as much fluid as possible, trying to flush these germs through- but now I have got myself into a shameful predicament... I am coughing like a 40 + a day smoker ... And every cough I have, I end up loosing a little bit of wee! It is so embarrassing!!!

Looks like I'll have to go home shortly and have a huge shower! Lol!!!
Oh honey, I hate it when this happens, I sometimes do this when I sneeze, the end result is that by the end of the day I smell like the smelly old lady that stinks of wee next door :(

Since I have started doing pelvic floor exercises it has lessened although I note your near the end now so you never know xxxx
Aw hun!!

Pelvic floor exercises in order I think
I was just about to put a post that all day today I have felt wet? Not due to coughing or sneezing but I'm just not dry at all. I guess this is common? (TMI on it's way) I have for the last couple of weeks had a clean white discharge which is sometimes watery but I don't seem to have discharge today just wetness!
:hug: this happens to me too sweetie, when I cough or sneeze. I hope your germs disappear soon xxxxxxxxx
I get the occasional 'small leakage' when I sneeze, and I'm not even that far sling! I'm scared I'm gonba be incontinent by the end! x
awwww not much longer i hope xxx
Thank god I am not on my own, had a terrible cough for 2 weeks and I am exactly the same it is so embarassing. OH just laughs at me now ha xxx
I had a small leak yesterday trying to fart :blush: the joys :) xx
ohhh sweetie its horrible i get a little bit when i laugh alot! pelvic floors are the way forward (even though i never bloody stick to doing them)

I was/am the same!

Altho i never really leaked more like gushed!! Had a bad chest towards end of pregnancy and daren't go out in public incase i wet myself!

I never did any pelvic floor exercises, didnt think i needed to, how wrong was i! xx
I get a mini little gush when I sneeze, laugh or cough thankfully not all the time...but most of the time :(

If i'm at home I don't mind so much but out and about- seriously considering getting some pads for bladder problems the further i progress xxxx
Yup, same :( I also fart when I walk and for some reason the car makes me burp!! Feel soooo sexy right now lol. It's not fair - I have managed to go 12 years and only farted in front of hubby a couple of times (i get really embarrassed about it for some reason). I've given up being mortified now!
Don't be embarrassed Kirsty, I fart alllll the time. I lay in bed sounding like a set of broken bagpipes but if I try to keep it in I just end up with raging griping pains so better out than in :D.
Omg- how can you go so long without farting!!!! I am so relieved that i can fart in front of Jez! We also have the most graphic conversations about poo or my discharge etc.... I am not sure I could have hit through this pregnancy without doing that!!! Ha ha... I have been a massive lump of bodily fluids and disgustingness during my pregnancy!
Revolting!!!! But my thought is- he has officially now seen me at my worst! Nothing will ever get so bad again. Your OH Bb is luckier than Jeremy is because I am not even having sex with him! I am giving him nothing right now - except of course last Sunday when I was in the bath and I begged him to shave my legs for me... At which point a small piece of my plug floated out of me, so I gave him that to wipe on a tissue and throw down the toilet!!!! Seriously - I sometimes wonder why the hell he is still with me!!!!

I will have to promise him lots of 'treats' when I am feeling up to it though... He does really deserve it after 9 months of my being quite as revolting as I have been!
:rofl: omg that's a classic!!!!! I so wish that would happen to us just to see the look on his face :rofl:

It's amazing isn't it how they can wait so long and be so good about it, bet it don't last long after the birth lol

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