Eventful Day Today!


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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Had Health Visitor round this morning and me and OH had our first antenatal class this aft!
HV seemed friendly enough, she gave me some leaflets and asked some questions for he forms. She was surprised when I answered that I didn't smoke, drink or take illegal substances (we live in a reasonably rough area!) - she was like "I wish all my girls were as well behaved as you!" Haha! :angel2:Angel me!! lol!
I really enjoyed the antenatal class! A lot of friends said they're a waste of time and although I didn't learn much more than I already knew, the MW who ran it was wild! Haha! She was so light hearted and enjoyed a good laugh! I REALLY hope she's on duty when I go in, when she described what she does she was always mentioning about how they try and make the women who come in as comfortable as possible etc and that no question is too small so don't ever worry about ringing in!
I had to hold back about half way through, she asked us all questions and I think I was one of the only ones who piped up! lol! No one likes a no-it-all though so I kept quiet after a while! :roll: I really MUST watch too many baby programmes!

How's everyone else finding their classes?
Glad you enjoyed your classes. I found them really useful, and think they are particularly good for OH, as he wouldnt read the baby/pregnancy books like i do. I asked quite a few stupid questions and wasnt made to feel stupid at all.

I cant believe HV was suprised you dont drink smoke or do drugs! xxx
Glad you enjoyed your classes. I found them really useful, and think they are particularly good for OH, as he wouldnt read the baby/pregnancy books like i do. I asked quite a few stupid questions and wasnt made to feel stupid at all.

I cant believe HV was suprised you dont drink smoke or do drugs! xxx

Haha! I think they just assume that most young mothers in the area I live in a raging smack heads! lol!
OH found it really interesting! Was so proud of him, he was really attentive and spoke up when asked a question :) There was a lad with his gf (she was in a wheelchair) and he just left her near the door so he could get one of the comfier seats at the other side of the room!! Git!! lol x
OMG that guy sounds so rude!!!

Im not surprised about your HV. We moved halfway through the pregnancy, we were renting in a slightly rough area, not too bad, but we just didnt want to spend loads on rent. We had bought this new build family home and were only renting while waiting for it to be built.

Because we moved at 17 weeks I had 2 bookings, one in the old house and one in the new. In the old house I got asked if I knew who the father was, in front of my OH. Asked if we were related, if either of us did drugs etc... she alse assumed it was unplanned. In the new family home, the MW assumed it was a planned baby, didnt even asked, she just ticked the box. She also asked if I was planning to breast feed and when I said I was she said "I thought so, a lot of our more educated mothers do" :shock: Also the midwife here has never met my OH, but keeps accidentally calling him my husband.

Its really amazing how people make so many assumptions based on where you live!!A health visitor shouldnt really be surprised that pregnant women doesnt drink , smoke or take drugs.:roll:
Well, apprently.. im an alcoholic :|
....Because im young, and obviously was a wild party girl pre-pregnancy. So they asked me how many units i drunk before pregnany, and put me down as BORDERLINE ALCOHOLIC and now have to see someone at clinics about it cos i ''may need help'' WTFFFF. LOL.
Iv told them time and time again that i havnt drunk since finding out i was pregnant, they can even test me if they like!! Big mules!

the first booking I had in I was grilled about how much I drink. OH and I put our clubbing days behind us really. We'd get a bottle of wine if we're having dinner out, or a pitcher of sangria if we get tapas. And we drink more on holiday. But we dont even drink every week so I found it hard to say how many units I have per week. I told her I only drink once a week if at all. And guessed Id have 2-3 drinks. She put down that I had 2-3 drinks a day, so 14 - 21 drinks per week!!! I didnt even notice it on my notes until I transferred care to the new area and we were copying accross the info to the new booking in, I said to new midwife, OMG thats just not true! We dont even have any alcohol in the house!!!
the first booking I had in I was grilled about how much I drink. OH and I put our clubbing days behind us really. We'd get a bottle of wine if we're having dinner out, or a pitcher of sangria if we get tapas. And we drink more on holiday. But we dont even drink every week so I found it hard to say how many units I have per week. I told her I only drink once a week if at all. And guessed Id have 2-3 drinks. She put down that I had 2-3 drinks a day, so 14 - 21 drinks per week!!! I didnt even notice it on my notes until I transferred care to the new area and we were copying accross the info to the new booking in, I said to new midwife, OMG thats just not true! We dont even have any alcohol in the house!!!

Hahaha! No way?! That's mental! I think they tend to judge people by their age as well! I mean i'm 21 with a mortgage, own a caravan (Haha!) and hate getting drunk! I suppose i'm not the usual 21 year old! I'm just getting old before my time! lol! x

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