evap lines

I think this is why I think I may have had a chemical pg - the tests I did this morning with FMU (the darker tests were done mid afternoon so the hormone levels should have been higher this morning!) were so faint I had to look hard to see them. They were a little darker when the test dried a bit more but nothing like the test I did 2 days ago!
Why do we do this to ourselves!
I should have waited till tomorrow and if AF came I wouldn't have known any different!!
who can wait i've peed on enough little sticks for everyone on here i think it's fun :lol:

even if nasty evap lines come up to spoil things :x

i'm at Dr Monday i'm gonna take my frustration out on him poor man :lol:

baby dust to everyone ttc xx
Good plan!

Please let me know how you get on - I would be dead interested to hear your Dr's explaination of all this!
will do if i don't get arrested for bashing him, all he has to do is listen and then tell me what the hell is going on....... right :lol:

oooh more sxs

slight cramping in lower groin and down left leg .......
Really am keeping my fingers crossed that you are PG.

I have been back and checked my pg test that I did this afternoon :oops: I truly am an addict. It is a tiny bit darker now it has been trying for like 5 hours(!!!!!!!!!!!) but still faint. I just wish I had a def BFP to compare it with - why don't I keep all my PG tests!?!?!?! :rotfl:
i thought my wed one was a BFP! but maybe not as i haven't had another one as dark yet,

when you do get a BFP! keep it woman put a note on the box "please keep me" :lol:

baby dust to all ladies ttc xx
I'm in same boat girlies....
took test yesterday as AF due and there was a v faint line, just like your pics. then today i have a tiny bit of spotting/brown discharge, but that has stopped now....
could this be implantation or is it too late as AF should be here?? It doesn't seem to be AF as i have slight cramps for past week and they're not getting worse as the do with the Witch!!! help....... :roll:
sorry i can't sort my own dilema out with these tests i just don't have a clue wots going on i'm at Dr on Monday do i'll update ok

baby dust to everyone ttc xx
Morning ladies, dont know if its any help but Tesco's had 2 clear blue digital tests on special offer for £9.49 today - well at least ours did - typical when I'm just coming to the end of my AF!!! Now driving myself mad thinking I should have stocked up!! Beginning to think all the staff in there must think im a mad woman though because I seem to buy the things all the time - just waiting for vouchers to turn up on my club card statement as I buy so many of them!!! lol :D

Only a man could have invented pregnancy tests. They don't seem as straight forward as I used to think they were.

Good luck Dee, I hope its a BFP!
thanx muppetmummy i hope so to i will find out tomorrow well i'm off to Dr anyway so i hope he has an explanation :? :?

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