

Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2011
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Hi guys,

After someone recommended this on a previous post I have had a peek.

I was toying with the idea of going bk to my high stress, target driven role of a n employement advisor in Feb. Could cry at the thought of it.

Hadthought of going self employed but didnt fancy the risk on a 'not so guarenteed' wage each month.

So my mum suggested I ask my union rep to help me pen a letter asking to be considered for an admin post. Now this is not guarenteed tobe accepted by my employer but as an investors in people company I think they have to consider my flexible working request right?

The admin roles are a sinch, 7k less, granted, however when I put hubby and my 'admin' wage in entitled to it has produced a result I LIKE!!!!

Basically - to do a less stressful job, 3 days a week would work out the same wage as the Advisory job 3 days a week. Cus by taking a pay cut we'd be entitled to £100 a week in benefits!!!!!!!!! Working tac credit n child tax credit.

Now im not a fan of the benefit system, having spent the last 6 years helping the dregs of society find work, only to quit or smack the manager in their first week.

But I sort of figure after paying into the tax system for the last 16 years I deserve something back and if it means I can do a less stressful job and be with Austin 4 days out of 7 why not!!!

Does anyone have experience of claiming working tax or child tax. Do u start getting it pretty much straight away or are they a pain? And do you have to claim them at the end of the year or something ridiculous?


I be silly to do 3 days in a horrid job for the same money
Sounds like a great plan hun! I wouldnt worry about uaing wtc and ctc youve worked hard to take a little back! And at leaat you get to wnjoy aome time with your lo xxx
They pay you pretty much straight away. The only problem I've ever had with them is when they don't take your details down right and you end up overpaid.

I've agreed to go back to work part time, I used to work full time and get some child tax credits. Not I'm going back part time so I also get working tax credit which means my wages end up topped up to full time pay especially when you consider you don't have to pay for childcare for as many days.
Its really wierd the way it works isn't it.

Before I had LO I was full time. I went to job centre when pg & they said i'd be worse off returning full time, as I wouldn't be entitled to any money off nursery fees (thro the tax credits) and if I went part-time i'd get MORE money than full time. I sat and worked it out & I would have been 9K worse off each year to go full time- how backwards is that. I was very very lucky that my employer let me go part time. I remember having an argument with my mum one day - I was moaning about needing more money & she said, well go back to full time then. I explained that i'd be worse off she had a massive argument with me that it cant possibly be like that ect ect said I was lying - I had to get info online & send her it to prove i'd be worse off working more. She never mentioned it again.

Regarding the tax credits, it can be a pain if your income isn't stable for example if you or your OH are self employed & wages vary every month. To apply for tax credits first time is annoying with the forms & documents they want. I'd advise to send everything recorded delivery (I used to be a tax officer & stuff went missing all the time) You dont have to apply each month but you have to do a renewal which is just when you tell them if any changes in circumstances. Beware tho - it might take weeks til you get the claim started mines took 9 weeks, so try & have some money kept by incase this happens. Dont rely on the money coming in on a certain time. Once the money starts its reliable.

Good luck

Great news!

I wish I could go part time, just not an option for me at all sadly.
Oh cool - cheers guys - we both have set incomes so think it should be ok.

Even if it works out I get paid exactly the same for part time in each role - its AMAZING that I can do a less stressful role for 3 days and get paid the same as a high powered, stressful, upsetting role for the same days. I cannot imagine going back to working with the unemployed people who have no regard for the safety and upbringing of their children. Not that they are all the same by any means - but I think it would get my goat abit if they get to stay at home every day and bring their kids up whilst being supported by benefits and im working in a stressful job trying to find them work which they blatently dont want!
Is it one of those job centre placement/back to work schemes you work for? I duno how you do it must be hard to treat everyone the same. I wonder if thats why ppl at the job centre are so unfriendly. You can tell they see useless ppl all day & treat everyone the same, I always think its a bit unfair but I can understand why.

My OH is working from home just now (computer engineer) but the work is not alot just now coz of the financial state...my OH could probs do a full time job ontop of his computer stuff but there is just nothing, he doesn't drive so thats basically 50% of potential jobs gone (esp computer ones) Its frustrating when your looking for a job & just nothing comes up. He's got an sia badge to do security & on the doors but he just wont touch that sort of thing with a barge pole.

Every day I think to myself how lucky I am to have my job. Whereas maybe 3/4 years ago i'd moan constantly & even considered going un-employed just coz I couldn't be bothered with it. Now I actually have nightmares of losing it & how we'd manage

(sorry was that a bit of a rant there!!)

u got it littlemiss - I work for a 'back to work scheme; - the governments work programme - its tough xx

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