Entertainment in the cot...


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
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Hi Mums,

As many of you know i have a slight space issue as still in a 1 bed house. Now, i have the cotbed up and have a moses basket for downstairs. My plan of action, when the baby is born, is to place the moses basket in the cotbed for nightime and keep it on the stand downstairs in the daytime. I dont have any room for the moses basket to be out of the cotbed at night as our room isnt big enough.

My SIL has kindly given me a cot top changer which fits nicely and leaves just enough room for the moses basket to fit the other side of the cotbed. It IS ok to keep both in there at the same time isnt it?

The only problem i have now is the fact i have no room for the cot mobile.. do babies realy pay much attention to them at newborn stage? I was thinking of maybe getiing one of those cot toys which projects onto the ceiling?

Also.. whens the best time to transfer the baby into the cotbed at night instead of the moses basket? Should i then take the changing table off even though it wont be near the end the baby is?

Thanks in advance,

Claire x

Finlay wasn't bothered about a mobile so you may not need one. He was only in his cot to sleep :D

As for the cot changer you would need to take it off at night when your LO is in the cot. We do and just sit it at the side out of the way. We don't have much room either but manage to squeeze it somewhere

Finlay went into his cot at about 3 months - its in our room so was easier.
Bee said:

Finlay wasn't bothered about a mobile so you may not need one. He was only in his cot to sleep :D

As for the cot changer you would need to take it off at night when your LO is in the cot. We do and just sit it at the side out of the way. We don't have much room either but manage to squeeze it somewhere

Finlay went into his cot at about 3 months - its in our room so was easier.

I have some room down the side for the changer so its not a problem but do i need to do that when the moses basket is in there aswell? its not on top of the moses basket or anything like that.. just to the side. Thought it would be easier if both were there incase i have to change nappies at night?
My LO loves her mobile its a fisherprice fish one from Argos and she stares at the fishes, gets all excited, smiles and shouts to them, its the only thing that gets her attention like that.

I only started leaving her with it playing this week as she wasnt interested before and because she gets so excited by it I have brought it downstairs and fastened it to a big basket full of her books in the lounge next to her pay mat instead of in her cot as in my house cot/mosesbasket =sleep. It gets alot more use down there but the only minus is our tv remote sets it off :lol: luckiy we dont watch much.

You certainly dont need a mobile and each baby varies in what they like and dislike so dont fee bad if you dont get one
nori said:
Bee said:

Finlay wasn't bothered about a mobile so you may not need one. He was only in his cot to sleep :D

As for the cot changer you would need to take it off at night when your LO is in the cot. We do and just sit it at the side out of the way. We don't have much room either but manage to squeeze it somewhere

Finlay went into his cot at about 3 months - its in our room so was easier.

I have some room down the side for the changer so its not a problem but do i need to do that when the moses basket is in there aswell? its not on top of the moses basket or anything like that.. just to the side. Thought it would be easier if both were there incase i have to change nappies at night?

Yeah I'd leave it there when you are using the moses basket :D
We have the Tiny Love Symphony Lights and Motion mobile and Jacob LOVES it. He will certainly not go to sleep with it on (that happened once and it was when it was on silent and the light was on), but he giggles and shouts at the animals. He seems to change his mind about which is his favourite pretty often. He has just taken to grabbing and kicking them, too, so I think I am going to have to move it a little.

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