Entertaining l/o


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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How does your l/o like to be entertained? Cam adores his playmat but I feel awful leaving him on it all the time but surely it's ok if he enjoys it and it stimulates him? It's in front of the tv so sometimes he does have a sneaky glimpse of some bright colours on the screen. He isn't really big enough for his jumperoo yet and he seems to get bored of other things. Do you think it's bad him spending so much time on one thing? I play with his toys with him and chat and sing with him but he's not that interested :eh: whereas he chats and squeals and thrashes about happily on the mat :oooo:
I try a little of everything with Issac because there isn't 1 thing that he loves other than being held lol. I tried him in his door bouncer and he liked it for 2mins, which is a record lol

If he is happy and u are trying other things i wouldn't worry x
I try a little of everything with Issac because there isn't 1 thing that he loves other than being held lol. I tried him in his door bouncer and he liked it for 2mins, which is a record lol

If he is happy and u are trying other things i wouldn't worry x
I dont think it is bad if that is what lo likes!! Harry plays a lot on his mat or has cuddles or in his chair just depends on his mood and how tired he is!!
Thanks hun. I just worry I'm abandoning him lol. If he cries or whinges I get him immediately. He's currently been in it for 30 mins and is happy as larry :shock:
When was at university in our psychology rotation the professor made sure we understand that playing on its own with toys is an important skill and necessary for development.
He was saying that modern societies overstimulate kids when parents constantly interact with their kids imposing their own imagination on them :shock: and that's why we see less kids playing on its own with simple things like little rocks or just pretend playing in.comparison with older societies...

Well ofc all that from university I don't have an LO yet and probably if you have a screaming baby that can't stay alone a single minute you have no other choice than actually permanently stimulate it???

I will personally leave my LO play alone as long as it seems happy and content.
Well that's good to know :) all my friends are jealous as they can't put theirs down for long without tears. Guess he just enjoys his own company, but his dad's the same. I'm probably over analysing as normal :oooo:
I'm jealous. Joshua doesn't like his play mat. 5 mins and he is crying.xx
I'm sure that as long as he's happy, everything is hunky-dory! :smile: My oldest daughter also loved her playmat and spent most of her time in there when she was a tiny baby - although interestingly enough she then developed into a toddler who couldn't entertain herself at all, not quite sure how that fits together?? Samira will happily stay in her gym for 10-15 minutes at a time, which is a blessing as otherwise she always wants to be carried around!
I'm jealous too! Will seems to want continuous stimulation from me and he will only stick at one thing for 10 mins max xx
Another jealous one here too!! Harlow is always wanting my attention! She won't stay in anything for longer than 10 minutes! I'm constantly moving her from one thing to another!! She does however love looking at herself in the bathroom mirror... Poser alert!! X
I read something the other day about LOs who want stimulated all the time. (can't remember where though :wall2:). But it was along the lines of teaching them to play alone you did play alone, play near mummy, play with mummy. ( I think I got that the right way round)

Ive started with G grumps on her may to sit on the floor, speak to her a little, bit not really play 'with' her. And she's enjoying her mat for longer now. Sat chatting away to her toys for a good while this afternoon. Xxx
We're only interested in the play gym for 5 minutes or so. Lewis is quite a weird child he likes to just lay there wrapped in a blanket being held and staring at me or playing with my hands.
Leandro actually whinges If he's held to long and by too long I mean for about 15 mins unless he's tired then he likes his cuddles. This has been since his christening when he Got the lamaze horse toy which he can't get enough off. So we prop him up on the futon and he sits happily squealing and babbling away to it. He does whinge bit when he wants us to play with him But with his toys. I don't know if this is because he was carried too much at the christening. Xxx
Sophie will stay on the playmat for a good half an hour as well. I just leave her to it as she seems happy enough on it. She will sit in her bouncer watching me quite happily too.
I've got a whole basket full of little Lamaze handheld toys and a baby gym etc and I've got a walker and a jumperoo. My HV actually said floor play is great for them because it encourages them to become more active and reach and grab and search for their toys, whereas keeping them in a walker or things like that all day every day encourages lazy play. I don't how much of that is true but Angel loves the floor. I just plonk her on her play mat on her back or toy and entertain her with the hand held toys, then I'll sit her and do it that way x
Alice will happily play on her play mat for ages. She giggles away to herself now, it's so funny watching her.

If its what they enjoy then it must be ok. And he's learning to play on his own so he won't rely on you for stimulation all the time.

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