Enjoy your bumps


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2008
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Hi girls, first of hope ur all well thought I'd pop on for a catch up!!

Lil saffy is brilliant sleeps good n just a joy, Remy taking to her slowly but struggling a little havin to share me but fingers crossed he will come round,

Just want to tell u ladies I know when ur big u get unconfey with ur bumps but so do enjoy them cuz once bubs here u really really miss it, my bellys like a deflated balloon hehe x x x

Any way I'll pop on when an as I can soooo good luck ladies n I hope u all av ur bundles or ur edd he x x
hi nadine! glad to hear all is going well for you! am sure Remy will come round with a wee bit more time x
Awww, glad to hear you're doing well :)
Although I do get uncomfortable etc I really do love my bump and was just saying to my sister the other day that I think I'll miss it, and she told me I will, she missed hers after my niece was born xx
i agree with nadine! i found my holiday pics (before it all went down hill) and although i looked massive and swollen, i miss my bump! cherish it whilst its there!
Jld and Nadine , I hope all is going well ? :hugs: I reckon your both so right , I missed my bump so much that eight months after Aoibheann was born I was pregnangt again :rotfl:
Hey, glad all good your end and that baby is well: I am looking at induction here and nothing has moved as yet, baby not keen to come!!

Anyway, nice to hear from you

Completely agree with Nadine & JLD!! I didn't enjoy the last 2 mnths of my pregnancy, Jack was very strong and actually hurt me when he kicked! I had swollen feet, aching hips and said I wouldn't miss him being in me once he was born! I so do!! lol x

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