

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2006
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Just had a look at my notes and it says ceph (which means engaged right?) then after under the "eng" box it says 4/5?!?!?! Is this right, im only 35 weeks, i have also been getting little bits of show. What do you all think?
When i was preg, the babys head was engaged from 34 weeks, he didnt come any sooner though unfortunatley!! :)
Yeah but i didnt expect it to be 4/5 engaged shouldnt it be like 2/5?
When I went to midwife last week at 35 weeks I was the same as you except it was 3/5 engaged. I think this is about right but obviously it is different for every pregnancy. :D
When i went i was 34 weeks btw :)

give me hope i will sneeze in the next week and he will pop out lmao :rotfl: ive had enough now i cant sleep anymore cause my back is killing, i got up to wee about 15 times last night, i cant sleep well at night arghh lol
i thought ceph was short for cephalic which as far as i kno means head down...

on my scan the other day she wrote on my notes cephalic, dont think my bubas head's engage just yet ;) haha
ohhh ok lol, it says ceph and then under engaged it says 4/5 :)
I know how you feel about not sleeping hun.

A friend at work gave me some sleep therapy mist; it's from avon and it is a miracle :lol: I started using it on Thursday night and I am sleeping so much better. You just spray some on your pillow and in the air.
Lavendar oil is supposed to be good also. :D

Here is the link
ok thanks, i got some massage oil with lavender its prenatal stuff and got alan to do my back yesterday but i still found it hard to sleep, its really getting to me now! :(
yeah it just means your baby is head down and engaged 4/5 of the way! :)
The doc told me my Lo's head is engaged on Friday and she said theoretically it means I could go into labour but highly unlikely for a first baby.

BTW lavender oil sprinkled on your pillow works a miracle for relaxing you and getting a good nights sleep :wink:
Cassi, check with your midwife what 4/5 means. I've heard some midwives use it to mean baby is four fifths engaged and others mean s/he has four fifths to go (so one fifth engaged?). Depends how they were trained.

They can move up and down until they're fully engaged, and it doesn't mean they'll come any earlier even if they are. Still, it's nice to know things are moving in the right direction! :)
:( My buba still isn't engaged yet he's hoovering above my pelvis and I only have 3 weeks left, I suppose still got time but i feel left out now lol :lol:
stephlw25 said:
When i was preg, the babys head was engaged from 34 weeks, he didnt come any sooner though unfortunatley!! :)

same with my first. don't get exctied cassi :hug:
oh glad it is going in the right direction cassi my bubba is fully engaged now so not long hopefully :hug:
not getting hopes up, i think il end up going over...i know what it means lol but good point about the 4/5 to go or 4/5 engaged il get doctor to check on friday at 36 week check cause it was a different midwife to my usual one last week.

thanks i will try some of that mist.

cas xx
Harley and Dior never did engaged. i went to see the midwife the morning befroe i had harley i wasnt engaged? that night i was holding a baby :lol:
just goes to show you cant predict when your baby is gona arrive:)

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