engaged or not?


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2006
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Went to the hospital last week for checks and they agreed head was engaged. Went for check up today and GP said the head was now not engaged! ????is it normal for head to pop in and out. I don't know whether to feel disappointed or not! He also said I had a trace of protein in my wee which was normal but I was told this was not good? Arghh is the GP any good? Should I ignore him and not worry. Surely the hospital know what they are talking about....
Hi sarah
I went for a check up today, and i had a trace of protein in my wee, but the midwife said it was only a tiny amount and that its quite normal, so i wouldnt worry.
As for the head now not being engaged, i have no idea. Sorry.
I know that if its your second pregnancy it is normal for the head to pop in and out of the pelvis, and they often move down just before labour.
Id try not to worry about it hun, im sure your doctor wouldve said if it was anything to worry about.
Sorry i wasnt much help!
x x x
you HAVE been a help claire - it's just worrying if anything sounds remotely wrong and I tend to panic. It feels as though my bump has dropped since seeing the doctor! It feels really low but just have no idea. I have had no signs whatsoever . It's going to be a real shock when things do start happening!
Consultant told me today the head will pop in and out yes. Not sure over what period of time though. I saw MW on wednesday and she said baby wasnt engaged yet. The nurses I work with would beg to differ as Ive dropped low and consultant told me today he definately IS engaged.
I didn't think I'd dropped (but it's always been low so hard to tell), but looking at pics it looks like it has. I was told on Thurs at hospital that I'm 3/5 engaged, but I don't know. Also at hospital on Thurs they said I had some protein, but said it was maybe from using the same bottle for a while, so got a fresh one.

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