Energy...that elusive thing


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2007
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I have no energy
I'm still taking my iron religiously, don't think i'm that anaemic anymore, I eat healthily, I don't drink too much caffeine filled drinks, and I get out in the fresh air all the time.I sleep well and I'm getting quite good hours in at the minute.
But...I wake up exhausted and I go to bed even more exhausted.
Naturally I'm going to be tired what with school and Willow but seriously I've been so tired lately that my schoolwork's suffering a bit, not good as I have exams in about a month.

I would like to wake up, as I once did before pregnancy, and actually not feel tired. I would like to actually feel bouncy and energetic. Well, maybe not bouncy. I'm not a bouncy sort of person.

Miracle cures, please. What on earth can I do to give me a bit more get up and go? (Ruling out all narcotics and illegal substances)
im tired all the time aswell, its driving me nuts!!!! :wall: no energy at all
drink more water!!!! best thing ever. pour it down your throat girl, you should feel better in no time.

other miracle cures, orange juice, cold shower, lavender oil on your pillow, window open durnig the night, coffee (cheating), deep breathing excersises (try it and see, floods the brain with oxygen) 10 star jumps when you get out of bed!

have u had a thyroid test? xx
I was going to ask about your thyroid too!!
I was the same (well actually still am lol but thats just me lol)
I felt like I could sleep all night, all day, all night then wake up feeling still tired!
I would fall asleep in the day and drag myself to bed early each night!
They tested and found I have an underactive thyroid! (they also thought I had ME too but didnt get anything for that??)
I take thyroxine everyday and I should have the same energy levels I had before!!
Might be worth getting tested if only to rule it out??

I do hope for your sake its not though! :hug:
The thing to wake me up really happy is to drag my arse out of bed and listen to music and dance and sing haha! It works really good although you drive all the grumpy morning people mad :D

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