Energy is slowly going!


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2007
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My pregnancy SO FAR has gone very smoothly without any problems at all. No monrning sickness, bad moody hormones didn't last long and baby has been moving and kicking ok. But over the last week I've noticed that i'm getting less and less energy, I almost fainted last week and having a messy boyfriend to clean up after is driving me nuts!!!! It's just like having to look after a big kid.
before I found out I was pregnant I was active and fit, I danced, went to the gym, worked, went clubbing at weekends etc but now I can't imagine doing any of them things! Just thinking about it wears me out. I suppose it's to be expected as I am almost 5 months pregnant but is it normal for my energy to go like this? and have any of you girls felt like this?
yeah I'm the same - when I get in from work I have dinner, switch tv on and watch it til I fall asleep in bed! I work Friday - Monday and start at 7am so there's no way I could manage anything at night times. I'm just planning to sleep as much as I can just now as don't think I'll get much sleep once baby is here!
I was/am like that, my doctor told me to try and have a rest/sleep every afternoon and all my friends tell me to take it a bit easier. It does get a bit better but now I get breathless and feet swell up which makes walking uncomfortable, also cant bend over very well so you may have to get your BH to tidy up a bit !!!! :wink:

though if you're really worried then have you had your iron levels checked????
I had blood taken at 14 weeks to get checked for HIV, hepetitus (sp?) and my iron levels and I didn't hear anything back to I assume the results were all ok. I've got my next appoitment with the midwife next week so I'll ask her about it then. Maybe I should try drinking a can of guiness to see if that helps lol.

That could so have been me writting that :(
All i can suggest is make sure you eat breakfast and nap as much as you can as i find that is the only thing that is helping me to get through this pregnancy lol

Good luck flower, just think it will all be over soon enough :hug:
I already love my baby too bits but I couldn't do this again!
I might change my mind after I've had the baby but being pregnant is so exhausting and stressful!
I think just one child is enough for me. :D

I am the same way and it has just gotten worse it seems a struggle ot go make somthing to eat :?
You will get through it hun :hug:
I was exhausted early on which i assumed to be the pregnany, but it turned out i had a cyst that was blleeding on my ovarie and i was anemic. Thats sorted now and i did start to feel better but i've been getting more and more tired again. (Cyst is still gone so not that)
Its so bad at times i've been stood in the que at tescos and thought i was going to faint! I nearly dumped all my shopping and went home because i couldnt face standing there any longer1 :wall:

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