End of my tether!! Anyway else managed to bf after this amount of time?


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
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Evie refused to feed at all for the first 24 hours, and I managed to hand express 5mls of colostrum which she was cup fed. After another 6 hours of not feeding (and lots of midwives and support assistants trying and failing to help) I caved and said she could have some cup fed formula.

The problem is, she latches on fine, she isn't tongue tied and I (due to lots of hand and pump expressing) do have a milk supply, but she just WILL NOT SUCK!! She gives it a few goes then either falls asleep or has a paddy. I know this is partly because she is now having my expressed milk in a bottle, but the midwife says she does think she will go back to breast but I am beginning to have my doubts.

She seems to mystify all the MW and support workers, who just say things like "isn't she a lazy little monkey!". Yes she is, but help me do something about it!! At the moment I am knackered as am trying to breastfeed (with no success), I'm expressing as much as I can, and also having to sterilise bottles and top up with formula.

Has anyone else's baby been like this and what did you do? Did they ever go back to breastfeeding? We are only on day 6 so I live in hope!! All advice welcome. xxx
You are doing the right thing by expressing! My lo was similar.... Almost impossible to keep awake while feeding. I think it took her about three weeks to really be able to stay awake while nursing. Try undressing her and tickling her toes and putting a cold washcloth on her to keep here awake. Just do what you can though. It took us 6 weeks before we were able to take away the formula top ups but I was slow at getting a pump so my milk supply didn't build up. Good luck! Xx
Lots of skin to skin, keep her close to you so she can smell your milk, eventually instinct should kick in for her, obvs with a bit of help to get her latched maybe?

Do you have breast feeding support workers you can contact? They should be able to come out to you if you need them to, they are fantastic, they helped me so much.

Good luck hun xxx
I read this earlier and never got to reply. Is she generally a sleepy baby? I know Tyler took a couple of days to wake up.

Have u got a pump? It's good to keep stimulating to keep your milk supply going.

i had a similar problem, she latches fine but falls asleep and she was sleeping for 5 or 6 hrs. she got dehydrated n i had to star topups, now at 3 weeks im phasing out the formula as much as possible and she seems to be suckling better nd getting more. your doing great hun, just keep trying, i cant advise more than what the other ladies have suggested really i just wanted to try n encourage u and share
Thank you ladies. To top it all I read a stupid breastfeeding magazine given to me by the hospital earlier and that combined with lack of sleep and baby blues made me bawl my eyes out as it told me basically what a crap mum I was for not breastfeeding and all these nasty things that were more likely to happen to my child because of it!! I'm trying to do it and this just made me feel awful!!

It isn't like we have had limited success, we haven't had any. She has only ever taken 5 sucks off my breast max before giving up, even when she is alert, and I'm really worried that having never done it, we've now left it too late. I've had MSWs out to help and like I said, they just keep saying that it will all click eventually but as the days slip by and the pattern stays the same I'm beginning to doubt it. It is refreshing to hear that some babies have taken up to 3 weeks to get going on the breast, but did you manage to breast feed from the start, albeit not very well? It's the complete lack of interest she shows in my boobs that worries me!! I can't believe I've got a baby that doesn't get the point of tits!! lol
lyssa just sucked a bit then fell asleep, latched on fine tho. dont know what more to suggest, this is why i joined a bf support grp that has a lactation consultant mw running it, maybe ring la leche league or your local bf midwife? they can come to your house n watch her latch n maybe have an idea? the more ppl you ask the more ideas they may have.

no matter what happens hun your doing your best, some ppl feed breast milk by bottle totally and only express. pinkyprincess has a great link about that
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Hey you x I know I have no advice for you since my LO is still snug but just wanted to send you a big hug.

Like the others have said keep going and get all the support you can and I'm sure little Evie will discover how good your boobies are!!

Chin up my sweet and in another week you'll be giving me tips (hopefully!!) xxx
Awww helly!

You are doing a marvellous job feeding her your milk by expressing. Hats off to you for that.

Have you had anyone come out to you at home? I've had fantastic support from a breastfeeding support lady who I have insisted comes out to me daily at the minute!

Have you tried tickling feet/blowing on her to get her to suck on th breast?
I agree, call the breastfeeding support people out they helped me massively. It's also true some people go back to BF after weeks.

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