Emotional week!


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2012
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Sadly I lost my Grandma on Saturday morning, had to get my dissertation finished for last friday, clear out my old room to make way for Finley, have another essay to start that's in for Friday and have to help my Mum organise all the funeral plans and stuff which is going to be next week, finish decorating the nursey, clear out my Uni house before finally getting through the funeral. It's going to be a tough week/fortnight.

I'm so so so heartbroken that my little boy will never get to meet his Great Grandma. She spoke about him to everyone, saying how proud she was that she was going to be a Great Grandma. Showing everyone the scan pictures. It's my job to make sure he knows how much she loved him already and how much she has already done for him. I loved her so much and miss her so much already :(.

Being pregnant means my emotions are currently all over the place more so than they would be if I wasn't. Lordy me. 21 and no Grandparents left :(. 2012 is a toughy so far!
Luckily OH has been a diamond and I'm trying to support my Mum as best I can. It's all happening at once.

Sorry for the long post, just needed to vent a little.

So sorry for your loss honey. Big hugs x
So sorry to hear about your Grandma hun xxx
Aww sorry to hear about your grandma hun :hugs: xxx
Sorry to hear about ur loss :( its nice u have lots of support xxx
I'm so sorry about your grandma honey and may she travel well to the summerlands.

HUge hugs to you as well at this time xxxxx
So sorry for your loss, my grandad died last year just before we got bfp.
I'm not religious but I think hes going to be my babys Guardian angel. if we have a boy they will have my grandads name as a middle name, sort of as a tribute

Sorry I went off track, what I'm trying to say is I'm sure shes looking down on you and LO x

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So sorry :hug: no doubt he will know through you how excited she was about his arrival xx
I am sorry about your Grandmother. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
So sorry for your loss, I got a bit emotional myself readin ur post.. *Big hugs* for this week/fortnight, try not to get too stressed (easier said than done I know), and if u need to vent, we're all ready to listen! I hope the funeral goes ok, I'm sure she will be looking down on you and supporting nd lokig after u and Finley xxx
Sorry for your loss babe, make sure you keep your strength up... :hugs: xxx
Thankyou so much ladies for all the nice comments :).
I'm not religious at all but I have a feeling she'll always be watching over us from somewhere.
We're decorating the nursery this weekend so hopefully that should cheer us all up a little and keep our minds off the funeral for a day or so :). A fresh start to what has been a pretty tough year so far!

Can't thankyou enough again for all your kind words :).

:blue:Member Of Team Blue:blue:
sorry for your loss,i like to think your lil one is gaining a much loved guardian who will always look over him/her xxx

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